Man Says He Can't Get A Job Because of Face Tattoo

Today's rant is about tattoos. Well, I'll be honest I really don't give a shit about tattoos. Honestly most of them I see look completely fucking stupid. The other reason I'm not a fan of them is because I would never be able to get a tattoo that I could actually like for my entire life. After like a yr or 2, I'd be like "Ya, I'm bored of this thing." That being said, I don't judge anyone or think less of them for having them, but you must know there are consequences for getting them, and especially exactly WHERE you put them.


Check this guy out…I mean he actually is complaining because employers won't fucking hire him! Can ya believe it? They don't trust the judgment of a dude who had "DEVAST8" tattooed across his fuckin' face! Again, I'm not saying he's a bad guy or anything, I have friends with tattoos but there are consequences depending on what you want to do with your life. If he was only going to work at a tattoo shop, piercing shop, or become a rapper/heavy metal artist, then I'd say "Yeah that fits perfectly!" But that's not his path at this point in time. Dude's got a baby mama, and now he got drama.

So people just stop & think for a minute what path you are on before you go tattin' up your body. I hate to see beautiful women with them all over. I think it takes away from their physique & skin. But hey, I'm only one person and there are plenty of dudes & women who like them. To each their own. Maybe before you get a tattoo that covers your entire face…maybe just maybe you could sleep on it first?


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