The abuse and power hungry continue to grow... flaggers, plagiarizers, rogue whales, "neo nazis", hackers, pedophiles... we just need ONE more and steemit will have it's SEVEN deadly sins.
Who Do We Need In a Time Like This?
That's right... I said it
Unsure which Brad Pitt tho but I'm thinking either...

The poor bastard above or maybe this one below


Those were 3 crazy ass "Pitts" you'd never want to fall into... btw, I can go ALL DAY with wordplay on his name.
But do you know what really grinds my gears?
When certain controversial topics influence a motherfucker to do something stupid like this recent event. Even worst... when you read the article and the journalist reporting says some stupid shit like "...gunman "investigating" fake news..."
Don't believe me?

it's like, REALLY BRUH?
Pizzagate is being reported as FakeNews

...Steemit looks like this
That means we could be on to something and before you go and blame Trump, Russia or any other crazy "REAL NEWS" or current events being responsible for FAKE NEWS... let's remind ourselves when the media and power elite comfortably had us like this...
So let's clean this crap up and send them a message...

someone actually had a good point when they pointed out in a recent discord chat...
it's very interesting an announcement is made regarding FAKE NEWS and a national "call for action" just as the dust begins to settle on this issue.
Pizzagate is being reported as FakeNews

...Steemit looks like this

So let's clean this crap up and send them a message...

it's very interesting an announcement is made regarding FAKE NEWS and a national "call for action" just as the dust begins to settle on this issue.
Now back to those 7 deadly thingie majigies I was talking about...
Unless you guys can point out ONE I left out... we are ONE sin away from being responsible for STEEMIT being laughed at and considered The Onion version of social media platforms.
Congratulations Douchebags, You Deserve a Token of Appreciation
We need to start rewarding those who actually provide some legit information and don't encourage bat shit crazy assholes to do what they do best.... maybe flagging or downvoting isn't really the issue and MAYBE it doesn't have to be changed. Maybe we can find another source of reward that offers value and encourages content creators to stay honest and true to good journalism.
Whatever that reward is...
...Let me promise you that when it's opened...

It's lights out Motherfucker

Oh shit... well, there ya go... WRATH... Circle complete

We Need You To Come To Discord And Voice Your Opinions

PS... For the absolute best experience.. download the app for your desktop or mobile
Happy New Year