Paper rock scissors, chapter 3: From his shoulders upward

This is a true story. All the facts in it are based on open sources that can be verified. I added some of my own conclusions, but in a very prudence manner. I hope that it will help you see that there is no need for all kinds of exotic conspiracies or satanic rituals to be involved, in order to explain how the rich and powerful can manipulate us. The way they can do it is much more simple. Why? Because we let them.

This is chapter 3 of a series of posts. Please see index of previous parts at the end of the post.

Professor BenZion Netanyahu had three sons. The elder, Yehonatan, is a national hero in Israel. He was killed while leading a special force of Israeli elite soldiers to the hijacked plane passengers rescue operation in Entebbe Airport, in 1976. The operation, which was revered worldwide as one of the most heroic of its kind, was named after Yehonatan Netanyahu, there are also many schools and streets named after him in Israel. Clearly, his two other brothers grew up, overshadowed by the fame of their older brother, but each of them chose to deal with this fact, in a completely different way.

The younger brother, Iddo, is a medical doctor, a radiologist and an occasional playwright. He is a rather humble person who shies from public exposure. The middle brother is the Netanyahu you probably know of. Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel for the last 8 years, and it's most prominent political figure for more than 20 years.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a modern king Saul. It is interesting that Professor Netanyahu, a world famous historian, called his elder son after king Saul's son, Yehonatan, and his middle son after the tribe from which the tragic biblical figure came. Just like the biblical king, Benjamin Netanyahu is brilliant, charismatic and a true Israeli patriot, but has one great disadvantage: He cares too much about his public image. Those who knows him closely, say that he hesitates when hard and unpopular decisions have to be made, and as it is more and more revealed over time, this hesitation makes him very vulnerable to influence and manipulation.

How did Benjamin Netanyahu manage to turn himself into the most prominent Israeli political figure? One thing that always stood for him, was his outstanding rhetorical skill. He is not just a great speaker in both English and Hebrew, but he also knows how to press all the right buttons in the psyche of many Israelis and also of Jews outside of Israel, promoting their sense of pride on one hand, while constantly awakening their inner daemons on the other. But besides his rhetorical genius, Netanyahu is also an avid Macayavelist. He made his way to his prominent position, by following a well thought and carefully executed strategic plan. Part of this plan, involves gaining complete control over the Israeli private and public media channels.

Ehud Olmert’s resignation in 2008, was not perceived by Sheldon Adelson as a sound victory. The “Kadima” party was still leading in the opinion polls and in fact, did not even lose its chance to be the governing party. According to the Israeli law, when a prime minister resigns, the chairman of the Knesset, appoints another member of the Israeli parliament to try and form a new coalition, and Tzipi Livny, then the Israeli foreign minister and the new leader of “Kadima”, had a very good chance to do so. But Livny chose, for her own reasons, to go to Elections instead. An Elections in which Kadima still won the largest number of seats in the Knesset, but only one seat more than the “Likud” party, led by Netanyahu, and this is where Netanyahu's and Adelson's interests intersected.

Index of previous parts:

Chapter 1 : "Yisrael Ha'Yom"

chapter 2: His master's voice

(Source of image: Wikipedia)

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