What I read, watched and listened to today #4 (Anarchy, Tulsi Gabbard, Stephen Bannon)

Today's news review is completely in English while the next one will be completely in German. Why? Because I want to write English at the moment. :D If you are unfamiliar to my news reviews because you can't speak German and this is the first time that I'm writing it in English I can tell you that is a rather simple concept. Every second day I'm posting the most interesting articles, videos and podcasts that I've read, watched and listened to in the last two days. Normally it's just 5 articles, 3 videos and 1 or 2 Podcasts.   

An meine deutschen Leser eine kleine Anmerkung in Deutsch: Der nächste Beitrag unter dem Titel “Was ich heute gehört, gelesen und gesehen habe” wird nur deutsche Links beinhalten. Ich bin zwar kein Experte was Deutsche Podcasts angeht, aber ich habe schon etwas sehr interessantes gefunden. :) 

First I want to share the articles that I've read: 

  1. The only Democrat in the House I can take seriously: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Condems US Arms Sale: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2017/05/20/rep-tulsi-gabbard-condemns-new-us-arms-sale-to-saudi-arabia/ 
  2. An article by John Tamny about traveling through the Congo: https://fee.org/articles/crossing-the-congo-is-a-journey-across-hell-on-earth/ 
  3. During a Taliban attack 25 Afghan police were killed and 6 wounded: http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-afghanistan-police-attacked-20170521-story.html 
  4. A very interesting look at the history of Joe Biden: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/05/16/joe-biden-biography-big-government-creep/ 
  5. Stephen Bannon and Reince Priebus are leaving their boss in Israel for damage control at home: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.790934 
  6. Bitcoin is not the only thing that reaches its all time high: The same is true for Defense stocks and we all know why: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/22/defense-stocks-rally-on-110-billion-us-saudi-arabia-weapons-deal.html

The second topic are the videos: 

Jeff from Anarchast speaks with Sasha Daygame about about finding ones passion, taking risk and creating the life of your dreams: 


Another Jeff, this time Jeff Deist, speaks with Hans-Hermann Hoppe about a world without theft: 


At WeAreChange I saw this interesting video about Julian Assange: 

And last but not least the Podcasts: 

  1. The Blockchain Dynamics Show is the show that introduced me to the world of Altcoins after 99bitcoins introduced me to the world of Bitcoin. This week they are talking about the Aragon Network Token, the Monero Mining Virus and a ton of new coins: https://soundcloud.com/errorbytrial/blockchain-dynamics-64-5212017 
  2. Last weeks Episode of The Johnny Rocket Launch Pad was joined by Gret Glyer the founder of DonorSee the “Uber of Charity” as some people are calling it: http://www.johnnyrocketlaunchpad.com/glyer051917.html 

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