Rogue Money Joining the Steemit Revolution

For the past several years Rogue Money has been helping others to understand geopolitical and economic news. Our analysis has been spot on determining matters that impact people like you and me. We don't just simply link articles. Our contributors: V "The Guerrilla Economist, Ken Schortgen Jr., The Wolf , James the Russian Analyst and Bankster Slayer author original articles that eliminate propaganda and deliver the truth of the matter. We back up our articles by engaging with our audience with questions they have. We understand that our supporters may agree or have differences in opinion and we truly value that. You can find our digital publication here:

Rogue Money also engages our supporters currently with two YouTube channels. Rogue Money: and Contributor Ken Schortgen Jr. channel The Daily Economist: Our Rogue Money YouTube channel is hosted by V "The Guerrilla Economist" and his Producer CJ. V hosts a morning show "Mornings with V" to discuss hot topics and potential trends in the market. V also partners with Bix Weir on a Wednesday show appropriately titled "Hump day with Bix Weir and V". Bix is the owner of and provides critical intel on bit coin and precious metals. "Hump day with Bix and V" is an hour fun-filled show that will not only keep you laughing but will also provide the mid-week break from the economic madness. V and CJ also host a live show every Friday night from 8PM to 9PM EST. The live show often features interviews of today's critical thinkers like: Jeff Berwick, Dave from X22, Harley Schlanger and Bill Holter just to name a few. On other nights we feature a Contributor night and do a live Q&A session with our supporters. You can network with V "The Guerrilla Economist" on Twitter at: FacebooK:

Contributor Ken Schortgen Jr.'s channel: The Daily Economist provides very in depth analysis of the economy and geopolitical matters. Ken has a great ability to research articles, conduct research and provide pin point accurate assessments of potential market trends. Ken is also a Contributor for http://tothedeathmedia. You can network with Ken on Twitter at: Facebook:

In closing, Rogue Money is very excited to participate and connect with the entire Steeemit community. We truly want to help others to succeed not only in their financial goals but to also provide a valuable resource in the alternative media. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us.

Take Care,
Rogue Money

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