Hard disc with 10 of Terry Pratchett's unfinished novels, crushed.

Terry Pratchett who died in 2015 aged 66 from Alzheimer left instructions on what to do with his unfinished works.


After selling over 85 million books in 37 countries over 41 years he did not want anyone else completing these books.

He left word the hard disc with the unfinished works on should be run over and crushed by a steamroller.

terry pratchett hard drive.jpg

This is the result with a little help from a stone crusher.

His friend and assistant who found fulfilling his request harder than first thought, and after several attempts found someone to run over it.
The steamroller was at the Great Dorset Steam fair and was the 6½ Ton Lord Jericho. It failed to crush the hard disc and it was put into a stone crusher.

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Now the real question.

Should they have crushed his unfinished work or should it have been completed and published for everyone?

It's fantastic they followed his request. But, they could have finished the novels and made a lot of money to help in the fight against Alzheimer.

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