Trump Wrestling Tweet Makes CNN Go Parabolic

A few days ago, President Trump tweeted a meme video that featured an old appearance he made at WrestleMania years ago, except instead of his opponent being Vince McMahon, someone had edited in the CNN logo for a head.


Here's the video:

How did CNN respond?

Well, the "news network" went parabolic, claiming that this tweet was "inciting violence against journalists". Here's one clip where a stout woman gets seriously triggered by the tweet:

Here's what's rich about this

CNN is what's known as a crubully:

A person who engages in intimidation, harassment, or other abusive behaviour while claiming to be a victim.

Why do I say that?

Because CNN has been dogwhistling for Trump's assassination for a year now.

  • During the election, a man rushed past security during a Trump rally and stormed the stage, causing secret service to spring into action to apprehend the potential attacker. What did CNN do the day after? They gave him a platform.

  • CNN posted an image of Steve Bannon in crosshairs that look just like a sight from a sniper rifle. Note: this is something that was NEVER done under previous administrations:

  • Oh, and then CNN New Years host, Cathy Griffin, did this little thing:


Some say the tweet is "unpresidential"

People who say such things apparently don't know or care that Abraham Linclon was a professional wrestler and world class trash talker

Follow me @shayne

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