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Why not try to multiply your dogecoins up to 4,750 times by playing a provably fair HI-LO game!

Why not try to multiply your dogecoins up to 4,750 times by playing a provably fair HI-LO game!
When learning about Dogecoin, it is important to keep in mind that Dogecoin has a real-world value. It's not just some sort of arbitrary points system; Dogecoin can be bought and sold for your country's currency or better yet, exchanged for goods and services!

There are two main ways in which Dogecoin's value is communicated: Relative to Bitcoin, and relative to fiat money (a government-backed currency such as USD).

Relative to Bitcoin
Giving Dogecoin a value in terms of Bitcoin is the most popular method of talking about price changes and such. Bitcoin is chosen because it is currently the most successful digital currency both in value and acceptance. Because one Dogecoin has such a small value compared to one Bitcoin, the value is expressed in terms of "Satoshi," which is defined as 0.00000001 Bitcoin.

Relative to fiat money
Talking about Dogecoin's value in terms of the U.S. Dollar or another fiat currency eliminates the problem that arises when when, for example, Bitcoins value goes up. This causes the value of Dogecoin to appear to go down when in fact it may be staying constant relative to fiat money.

In addition to the value of one Dogecoin, the value of the currency as a whole can be shown by its market capitalization, which shows the total value of all the currency in circulation. This can be used to show how much was lost or gained by investors in total following a price fluctuation.


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