WOW ! 1000 STEEMIT Followers 😀

Joining Steemit in 2016, I had no idea just how awesome and far the platform would come. I am super elated to now have over 1000 followers on the blockchain. 👍

I hope you like my content and I always appreciate insightful comments and suggestions. 

2018 will be a big year for Steemit and cryptocurrency. Make sure to get all your friends and family on Steemit ASAP. Endeavors like STEEM Smart Media Tokens, @dtube, and @dlive will bring tons of new users and add big time value to Steem blockchain. Additionally the EOS blockchain @eosio is primed for success and will bring lots of attention to it's predicessors, Steemit and BitShares. 2018 Should be very exciting!

Keep Powering Up!


 Hi there, I’m Will.  First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist.  I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in.  Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus.  All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.  I release everything under CC0. 

My website:  
Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz @trueliberty   

My Previous Post 👉 I Gave The Gift Of STEEM This Christmas.

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