2016 ....the year that people said “enough is enough..!!”

People are simply fed up with the System..!!

2016  is set to go down in the History Books as the year that people simply said “enough is enough..!!” 

BREXIT, TRUMP, ITALY the theme continues and still the so-called "experts" are surprised.

The mind simply boggles..!!

It does not take a rocket scientist to work out that people are simply fed up with The Global System.

You have to go to back over 100 years to find a time that that The Economy was in such a bad state as it is today.

This is not a typo, I did say OVER 100 YEARS..!!

The Global Economy is in severe RECESSION and has been since 2008 when you extract the DEBT, DERIVATIVES and STIMULUS that have RECKLESSLY been pumped into The System by Central Banks in an effort to keep The System alive.

A LOST DECADE is a term that you will be hearing quite a lot of in the coming weeks, months and years as the impact of this horrendous coordinated Monetary Policy unravels.

When will people final wake up to the reality that BLOCKCHAIN will replace The Global GARBAGE Trade Agreements that were first dreamt up in the mid 1970's..!!

It is these ANTIQUATED Trade Agreements that are now dragging on Global Trade.

It is no coincidence that BREXIT, TRUMP and ITALY occurred and the message should be taken seriously. Very Seriously..!!

For over 30 years we have been lied too, deceived, manipulated, robbed, cheated and conditioned and finally people have simply said "enough is enough".

TECHNOLOGY is playing a bigger role now in shaping The Global Economy more so than ever before as automation, digitalization and computerisation finally takes a grip on LABOUR..!!

The Industrial Revolution of the late 1800's which saw mass employment has now been replaced by a total reversal with a Technological Revolution which is in fact robbing the labour force and replacing it with MACHINES.

Unless robots are taxed this is a major problem that is only going to get worse as more jobs are taken out of The System.

These are serious and challenging Global Financial times that require a Global Coordinated effort or the ballot box results would end on the streets and this would be a disaster, a Real Disaster..!!

Lives are changing and changing at an unprecedented rapid pace as people fight for both their money and their freedom.

Thanks for reading.


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