...as per Acting Director McNabe, the one whose wife took half a million in campaign donations from the Democrats.
McCabe: ‘Not Aware’ Of Comey Asking For Extra Resources For Russia Probe
McCabe explained that not only was he “not aware” of such a request, but that the FBI makes resource requests to Congress, not the Office of the Attorney General.
People should beware when the NYT, CNN, and the rest of the Ministry of Truth all come out with same story, worded the exact same, all at the same time.
As for The New York Times
Sarah Isgur Flores, spokesperson for the Department of Justice, told The Daily Caller that the report was “totally false.”
Once upon a time, a group called JournoList, or J-List, was exposed to the public for coordinating stories to benefit the Democratic Party narrative. Once caught, they immediate established a second group JournoList 2.0, which was also exposed.
Once upon a time, a website called Wikileaks, which had previously been beloved by Democrats for leaking classified data under Republican administrations, released a series of emails highlighting collusion between the Democratic National Committee and the media. This included killing stories which had a negative impact on the Democratic Narrative.
Once upon a time, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes bragged about how easy it was to dupe the media about the Iran deal.
The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal. Even where the particulars of that story are true, the implications that readers and viewers are encouraged to take away from those particulars are often misleading or false.
Once upon a time, Obamacare architect Jon Gruber discussed “the stupidity of the American voter,” in accepting the Obama administration's presentation of Obamacare:
it reveals a pattern of deception surrounding the law that’s been there from the very beginning.
The resulting loss of insurance by 1000s of Americans and the failures of Obamacare exchanges highlight the impact of those lies.
Once upon a time, the American media claimed that Hillary Clinton had a 99% chance of winning the 2016 election. They even claimed a scientific basis for this assertion. Of course, they also neglected to mention that they oversampled Democrat voters in the "polls" they used to determine this.
Blending some of these themes, as we can see from the leaked DNC emails,we see that Democratic strategists used the media to distort election polling in the effort to rig the election.
What does effect does this determined propaganda war have on American opinion?
To begin with, we see that prior to Comey's firing, the Democrat Party ministry of Truth was castigating Comey relentlessly. The funny thing to watch was the switch in Narrative in instant replay:
Here, propagandist Colbert has to tell his audience what they should be thinking after they celebrate Comey's firing, after a Narrative of Comey's dishonesty, but before JounoList X.X had coordinated the new Narrative.