It's a ZomBEE
Although some might think this is cute or funny, it has been done to get your attention. Have you ever seen a Honey Bee doing some weird stuff? I have seen Honey Bees on the floor just buzzing around in circles. I even tried to help one once by placing it on a stick, hoping it would fly away, but it just fell to the ground, then it crawled around, only to turn to its side and spin in circles again.
It's a Zombee Apuckerlips
"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
__________________________________________________________ - Albert Einstein
Although the above quote has been attributed to Albert Einstein, it is not with 100% certainty that he said that. What is 100% certain is that Humanity needs Bees in order to insure our food production. Bees pollinate plants that make up to 33% of the World's Food Production. So without Bees you're 3 meals a day easily becomes 2 meals a day. But it gets worse. Bees also pollinate many other species of plants, including the ones that we use to feed livestock. So now your 2 meals a day dwindles down to 1 meal a day, and that's if you are lucky. So whatever it is that we are doing to the Bees, we have to stop or World Food Shortages can become a daily reality for many more very quickly.
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