How to verify questionable information/pictures (Fake News)

I recently came across this tweet that had been retweeted over 50,000 times and liked over 95,000 times. The tweet came to startled me as I had never heard of this supposed information.
I keep up with current events and this information seemed very new to me. I’m aware of the censoring of news and media in the United States or simply wherever you may live. This is where some quick tools came to play to uncover the truth.
Google Image Reverse Search
I did an image reverse search on the first photo and found lots of articles or postings mostly with the same information that was in the tweet. However, I also found a Wikipedia posting.
The person on the first picture of the tweet was in fact Majid Kavousifar. The second person in the tweet was Hamza Bendelladj. Two completely different individuals.
Now, there isn’t a Wikipedia posting for Hamza Bendelladj and I wanted to know more about him and what had occured. I quickly did a Google search and found videos that were spreading the same false information (fake news) and found a link to an Al Jazeera news article.
Here, I found out that Hamza Bendelladj was sentenced to federal prison in Georgia in 2015. A Google search of his whereabouts now didn’t bring any credible sources or information on what had happened to him.
That’s when I did a federal prison inmate searchAA51AF54-05A7-4CE5-8B19-735AFBC0F226.png
I just quickly entered his name and quickly found him. Hamza Bendelladj is set to be released from federal prison in 2026.
There you have it. It’s simple to verify information.
Don’t believe everything you read
Look for credible sources when verifying information.
I know Wikipedia is not the most credible source (as anyone can quickly edit information), but for basic information it works.
Question Everything

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