Comey admits leaking Trump conversation details to spur Special Counsel investigation

Former FBI director James Comey admitted in his testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he gave details of a conversation with Donald Trump to his friend, hoping that the leak would ‘prompt the appointment of a special counsel’ into collusion between the Trump administration and Russia.

The friend in question is Columbia Law Professor and former Federal Prosecutor Daniel Richman, who leaked details of the conversation to Michael Schmidt of the New York Times. As we now know, this indeed triggered the formation of the special counsel that Comey anticipated, currently headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller.

The Washington Post claim that it represents ‘a remarkable admission showing the degree of concern [Comey] had about both Russian interference with U.S. politics and his doubts about the Justice Department’s ability to probe such activity’.

Comey inferred several times that he believed that Trump inappropriately interfered in the investigation — but ultimately he admitted that whatever he took implicitly from his confrontations with the President, Trump never explicitly asked to put an end to the investigation.

Naturally, Trump loyalists will see this as evidence of a plot to undermine their new President at every opportunity, by leading figures of a ‘deep state’ who almost unanimously wish he was never elected.

Only a couple of days ago, NSA employee and stringent Democrat, Reality Winner (honestly her name), was arrested for leaking a document to The Intercept that outlined Russian attempts at hacking voter registration databases.

Perhaps the most surprising element of proceedings so far is the fact that President Trump somehow made it through the first few hours of Comey’s testimony without tweeting remarks in his defence. Perhaps Melania insisted that Donald limit his internet usage in the terms of her finally leaving New York to join her husband in the White House?

H.A Goodman sums up the whole situation beautifully:

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