Vegan Diet : Pros and Cons

Telling you what to eat is out of my reach, but i analyze the pros and cons of a vegan diet.

Vegans have a reduced risk in the incidence of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and obesity. They have 15% chance less to suffer from heart disease, and 8% less to suffer from cancer.

However vegans may suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. For which supplements are absolutely recommended (it is practically impossible to take it from vegetable products, except perhaps with a algae called "nori" )

The vegan diet is able to provide a complete protein intake: according to many sources the soybean-based dishes contain all the essential amino acids that our body needs.

(source: )

Eliminating all animal products from the diet, however, increases the risk of malnutrition for vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and omega-3 fats; For these nutrients it is absolutely recommended to take supplements.

Vegans may be at risk for low bone density (and greater risk of fractures) without the supplements.

During pregnancy, it is even more important to take supplements: cases where vegan mothers with B12 deficiency have had children with neurological diseases caused by the diet have been reported.

My personal opinion is that Vegetarian is ok, but a 100% vegan choice is not only risky but a bit useless too for the health.


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