UNEXPLAINABLE: 'US Air Force jets escorted UFO over my home' claims witness

US AIR Force jets were seen "escorting" a UFO in the skies above Georgia, an alleged witness has extraordinarily claimed.

The planes were following the "red-orange sphere" at about 600 feet in altitude, it was reported.

The witness was "stargazing" in his back garden with a telescope at 10pm local time when the sighting is said to have happened.

In a report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which investigates and logs such sightings, the witness said: "I first heard low speed jet engines north of me.

“I turned to see what it was. I saw a row of flashing white strobe lights with a reddish-orange ball or sphere in the middle coming toward me moving real slow.”

The witness said six “fighter jets” also flew overhead
They added: “One jet was approximately 500 feet to the west of the reddish-orange sphere.

"Another jet was approximately 500 feet to the east of the reddish-orange sphere and four more jets were side-by-side following about 1,000 feet behind this reddish-orange sphere.

“What was so strange about it was how low and slow they were all flying and flew directly over the top of me.

“This reddish-orange sphere looked to be about 30 feet in diameter. It was kind of dim with no strobe lights of any kind.

"After they flew over, the jet on the west side of the sphere backed off and turned left and got right behind the sphere.

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