Cannabis, Drugs, Corruption & Profit: Financial Exploitation of the Sick Dressed Up As 'Good Judgement' by Martin Shkreli & A British MP

The history of 'medicine' in the last 100 years is one of a continual battle for control of 'the power to heal' by those who think not of actual health, but of profits. Here are two relevantstories just from my news feed today!

It was not until I watched the documentary Cancer: The Forbidden Cures years ago that I realised just how corrupt the medical industry is and has apparently nearly always been. It seems that just as with every other established power structure on our planet, those without scruples just can't help themselves from getting involved and trying to dominate what could be an honest activity that helps all of humanity. While I don't agree with everything said in that documentary, one thing is clear, the controllers of the American Medical Association did for many years do almost everything possible to discredit any form of healing of Cancer using natural methods, while also attempting to gain control of the recipes used. They did not do this to protect people (as they publicly claimed), they did it so that they could control the formula, patent a synthesized form and then get rich.

This pattern of taking natural medicines, declaring them 'dangerous' and thus 'illegal' and then formulating an almost identical version in pharmaceutical laboratories that are now somehow 'legal' and obviously also expensive is part of this great heist of humanity. It is the same pattern involved when Nestle's CEO declared that 'water is not a human right' and that all water should be privately owned. Nestle and other companies regularly suck up vast amounts of public water from lakes and other resources, then sell us our own water back at massively inflated prices.

When this totally unethical 'business practice' is an accepted 'norm' for some people, it is hardly surprising that their reckless disregard for reality pushes their broken logic into our faces in a way that is hard to deny - despite our heavy programming to deny a great deal that we really should not be denying!

The Case of Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli has been sentenced to 7 years in jail for defrauding investors, the BBC reports:

In December 2015, he was charged with securities fraud charges and looting millions of dollars from two hedge funds he operated, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare.

He became notorious years earlier when he bought the 'rights' to a drug used to treat AIDS patients called Retrophin and immediately increased the price per pill by 5000% to £540 per pill! As I recall this led to people pretty much surrounding his apartment and attempting to wake him up.. However, it appears he just didn't listen. His basic point was that he 'owned' the rights and therefore could do what he liked. He demonstrated no empathy, no basic intent to help people and an almost total disconnection from the depth of the situation he had put himself into. Just as with the cases of the cancer treatments from decades earlier, his greed had directly caused many people to suffer.

Husband Grows Cannabis 'To Make Drugs' (legally?) - Wife Is UK Drugs Minister And Bans Cannabis.. Meet The Hypocritical Face Of Drug Law In Britain!

Paul Kenward

Clear reports about Paul Kenward, the CEO of a company in Britain growing large amounts of Cannabis (illegal unless you are in the right corporate circles) to make an epilepsy treatment.

Mr Kenward is managing director of British Sugar which grows cannabis under contract to GW Pharmaceuticals at its 45 acre greenhouse in Wissington, Norfolk. As confirmed by British Sugar, the cannabis is for production of Epidiolex, GW’s epilepsy medicine which is understood to be 98% cannabidiol (CBD).

Epidiolex is not yet licensed as a medicine although it is currently with the FDA for US approval and the European Medicines Agency for approval within the EU including the UK. It’s unclear how the British Sugar operation can be legal as according to the Home Office it only issues licences for research purposes. Only after the medicine has received a marketing authorisation could it be legally grown for commercial purposes.

source: Clear

Mr. Kenward has a wife, who just happens to be a junior minister in the UK government overseeing drugs policy, with the ability to issue licences relating to drug use:

Victoria Atkins MP is now a junior Home Office minister with responsibility for drugs policy. She has spoken out forcefully against any form of legalisation or regulation of cannabis in the UK. She also rigidly maintains the government’s line that there is ‘no therapeutic value’ in cannabis. Of course, when it comes to her husband she takes a different view and, of course, she has authority to see licences issued entirely on her own discretion.

source: clear

So yet again, we have a massive potential for corruption and personal power gain in the form of a huge conflict of interests and almost no-one commenting on it!

How can we possibly take seriously the words of a 'respected government minister' who conveniently claims that cannabis has no therapeutic benefit (in the face of mountains of research and experience to the contrary), when substantial amounts of her own family's money comes exactly from her husband's work in controlling cannabis and using it for therapeutic benefit!? Even the most cannabis deprived mind can see that this is easy to demonstrate as deception and possibly illegal on her part - or at least it would be if the laws were being written by those with integrity.


Humanity urgently needs to wake up now and learn that many of those 'respected experts' and 'leaders of business' that we are sold lies about are actually just con artists attempting to use power positions to deceive as many as possible for their own gains. This is not just an issue of financial fraud, we are talking about the theft of an entire way of life and of nature herself from most humans! On a scale of criminality this can only rank alongside the likes of a pre-emptive nuclear strike, since depriving humans of truth, liberty and our natural inheritance is just as likely to cause massive suffering.

There isn't really much in life that is more important than our health and so we need to make it a top priority now, individually, to understand our own health and to no longer rely on outside sources for our 'advice'. Dependency on the advice of other about how our own body works is not much different to being dependent on drugs. Both forms of dependency have us disempowered and artificially thinking that we cannot change our own feelings and health for ourselves and instead need something from outside to 'do it for us'. Those who have intent to heal, balance, feel good and to survive must take note now.

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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