Did 'Ronald Bernard', the Alleged 'Illuminati' Child Abuse Whistleblower Die in a Florida River Recently? I don't think so!

Several 'news' sites have carried the story recently that the alleged 'illuminati' whistleblower from the world of banking and secret societies has died in Florida. There's a few problems with that though - firstly, the name listed in Florida is not the same name and secondly, the age of the man in Florida is also wrong...

ronald bernard

I am regularly amazed at how poor the fact checking is of many websites that get a lot of traffic, especially considering the amount of work that I have put in over the years to exposing important topics which seems to be ignored on the internet... However, knowing the way that all major media sources (and the internet in general) are controlled by CIA and other groups (to the best of their ability), I am less surprised - but just saddened... If a story can be silenced or brought into confusion by misinformation, then there's a good chance it will be if it serves certain agendas. Recently, I have seen links passed around that claim that 'Ronald Bernard', the man who released an interview where he claims to have been part of 'the illuminati' at a high level is dead. Some posts remark how the author has 'done some digging' and 'quickly' found that he had died. Let's look at the evidence...

Firstly, in case you are unaware, here is his interview where he claims to have helped the crime gang that runs the finance of this planet to commit massive crimes - and where he says he had to leave them after they tried to get him to participate in murdering children in ritual sacrifices:

Dead men?

Here's an example, from the website 'newspunch' that claims he is dead: https://newspunch.com/dutch-banker-illuminati-dead/

Here's the police report of the death of the man in Florida: http://www.hcso-news.org/hcso-news/072417-lost

Notice that the man is listed as being aged 61 and that his name ends in Fernandez.

Bank of Joy

Ronald Bernard, the alleged whistleblower, went on to create what he calls the 'bank of joy', that is intended to replace the corrupt financial systems of this planet. This stuck out in my mind because his approach is similar to some other groups I have known about and communicated with and the name of the currency he created is the URA - he/they also use the same language constructs that I have used online for over a decade. This is quite significant synchronicity for me personally, for a variety of reasons.

Regardless of any connection to my own work though, you can see on his website that he is listed as having been born in 1962, which would make him around 55 years old now, not 62. His last name is also not 'Fernandez'.



Yeah, I know - sarcasm doesn't travel well online, but I'm tired.. ;)

Is it me that needs to do more research? Let me know in the comments ;)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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