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Dog ate cookies with marijuana and caught a bad-trip

If you were wondering what it looks like dog under the influence of THC, then be warned: do not you dare give psychoactive substances animal. Canine brain is not designed for such loads and the only thing that you give your pet - it is 10:00 a bad trip.

Besides, everything is already done for you, and if you want to satisfy your curiosity, here's to you a story that happened this weekend. Reddit user with the nickname Choices 63 spoke about how his Chihuahua named Peanut glut oneself cannabis hemp and fell into a stupor. On that day, the owner decided to entertain themselves and their guests and napeku Evening cookies with marijuana. In any case pechenyuhi were packed, hidden in a bag and stored in the cache. But peanut managed to find them and carry out serious work to get to the content.

As a result of a dog, a horse has received a dose of THC proved incredibly so high. He claimed somewhere beyond the horizons of the mind of the dog, but Peanut was clearly not from this well. We skunk started a bad trip and paranoia. The owner had to take your pet to the vet, where it fed with activated carbon. A total of Peanut covered for 10 hours and is probably wean asshole to steal food from the host.

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