Are you really an anarchist or anarcho-capitalist? Prepare to be offended!

Alright you've been warned!
Here is something that should offend you deeply as an anarchist.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201606113
Why is this offensive to real anarchists?

Because it's knowledge that was funded with your dollars, but unless you pay a company for access to it,

You can't legally have this information!!!
Yes that's right, owning and accessing this information is against the law unless you pay our corporatist masters for the privilege of accessing information paid for by your tax dollars.

Why am I so upset?
This paper describes a new chemical that was discovered using open source research tools and distributed computing. The research itself was funded by taxpayer dollars. What little they have disclosed is intentionally obtuse and paywalled. They will make billions from licensing this technology and they are refusing to disclose where it could do the most good.

How do I know this?
Because I read the information in summary and I've been researching the little bit of information that is circulating.

What is this?
This is a detailed description of a new chemical and a new process that will allow you to
extract gold and other precious metals from electronic waste!

Unlike most methods which are little more than crackpot, the amount of precious metals recovery means it's economically feasible!

With a little more than a basic knowledge of chemistry, you could do this at home in a garage lab and here's the fun bit.

This method is environmentally friendly!
That's right, there are no new toxic heavy metals introduced from this process and while you can't exactly drink the effluent, you can use it directly as a stage in a cellulose to biofuel process. The remaining mass could be further sequestrated by mixing it with gravel to produce asphalt.

So here is a chance to push humanity forward, allowing us to economically recover precious metals from ewaste, in an environmentally friendly way. While also producing gasoline from processing the waste with discarded plant matter.

While it will never replace your day job, it makes more sense to do this sort of recycling in your community and build up your stores of precious metals. That makes so much more sense than to send this stuff to some foreign country where they will torture children by exposing them to the toxic junk that is normally used for ewaste recycling.

Imagine a small town that built up themselves around this. They take the eWaste from everywhere, process it into precious metals, biofuel and asphalt. You basically could revive a small town like the one I grew up in.

Of course you could never do this in the USA, but I'm planning to retire in Mexico one day anyways. So I'll make you a deal. If you would like me to snag this info and break it down into a step by step guide, then vote this up. If I get enough upvotes, I'll take that as a sign you want me to play prometheus and free this knowledge for all humanity, by posting it here on the steemit blockchain forever.

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