We made NewsWeek!

This week Elizabeth Rosales a reporter from NewsWeek en Español ran an article discussing crypto currencies in Mexico.

As part of the article she did not one, not two, but three special sections on our company "¡VIVA!", formerly Bitcoin42.

She covers our ATMs (which also function as a steem / fiat gateway), but also the remittance network we're building here.
She talks about TradeQwik , the VIVA Economic Engine and host of other topics. In short, she really laid out a lot of what we're doing here.

She did a FANTASTIC JOB! The article isn't just about VIVA, in fact it's mostly about bitcoin and some of the really cool ways bitcoin and other cryptos are beginning to have an impact here. She really did her homework on presenting the situation on crypto and digital currencies in general down here.

She goes into a great deal of depth on an absolutely HUGE range of topics and if you have any spanish skill at all you should give it a read.

I want to thank @badassbarbie , @alechhahn, @charles.ponzi for representing VIVA and explaining what VIVA is and what it means to Mexico and the rest of the world.

I have never been prouder of anything in my professional life, than my association with this project and everyone in Team VIVA!

You can read the article here...

I'm personally offering a bounty of $100 SBD for someone to do a high quality English translation. Go to VIVA Chat for more details.

Image at top is copyright newsweek, but is not from this article (hence the date). The actual article features our ATM at Imaxess as it's lead image and images of individuals using bitcoin as the other images.

As always, this post is 100% steem powered!

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