Preppers Online Weekly (First Issue! - 4th March 2018)

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First Issue!


Welcome to the Preppers Online Weekly from the Official Preppers Online community account @preppersonline. This newsletter will be every Sunday highlighting articles Preppers in the community have authored themselves and submitted via the Preppers Discord Server, which you can join by this invite link -


The objective of the Preppers Online Weekly is to raise awareness and highlight to the larger Steemit community of the awesome articles produced by Preppers (and some Homesteaders)


If you are a Prepper and produce articles here on Steemit and want to submit an article, simply join the above Preppers Discord Server and post in the “prepper-newsletter” channel

This issues authors are:
@jackdub @ligayagardener @preppervetuk

Article I

@jackdub is telling us about tools that would be difficult to create in the woods and therefore the importance of picking your tools, maintaining them and using them properly.

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Article II

another submission from @jackdub, this time he's caught a Mountain Cottontail Rabbit on camera!

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Article III

@ligayagardener is highlighting edible weeds and in this post in particular "Soursobs" (Oxalis pes-capre)



Article IV

Our final article comes from @preppervetuk and he is giving us an 'After Action Review' on "The Beast from the East" which has caused many issues for Great Britain over the last few days.

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That was the first of the Preppers Online Weekly! Thank you for reading and if you are a Prepper (or Homesteader) and want to submit articles then all you have to do is join the Prepper Discord Server and Post them in the "prepper-newsletter" channel.

all articles submitted by the authors according to the terms specified on the Preppers Discord Server

Join us next week for more great articles!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column