Preppers Online Weekly - Issue 5 - 2nd April 2018

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Preppers Online Weekly - Issue 5


Welcome to the Preppers Online Weekly from the Official Preppers Online community account @preppersonline. This newsletter is posted once every week, either on Sunday or Monday. Highlighting articles Preppers in the community have authored themselves and submitted via the Preppers Discord Server. You can join the server from this invite link -


The objective of the Preppers Online Weekly is to raise awareness and highlight to the larger Steemit community of the awesome articles produced by Preppers (and some Homesteaders)


If you are a Prepper and produce articles here on Steemit and want to submit an article, simply join the above Preppers Discord Server and post in the “prepper-newsletter” channel

This issues contributors are:
@worldfinances @ligayagardener @jackdub

Article I

Firstly @worldfinances is covering the Federal Reserves rate rises. As Preppers we probably keep our finger on the financial pulse more than others and of course it’s important to consider the current system and it’s alternatives.

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Article ii

Our second article is from @ligayagardener and he’s covering this week more useful plants. This time it is “Jerusalem Artichokes” another great article, I’m sure Preppers know the basic edible and medicinal plants in their area (or at least you should!) so it’s good to go beyond the basics.

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Article iii

In the final article this week @jackdub is covering an important aspect and that is sharpening and maintaining your equipment and in this case it’s knives. Remember, a sharp knife is a safe knife!

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Thank you to the contributors of this weeks newsletter. If you are a Prepper (or Homesteader) and want to submit articles then all you have to do is join the Prepper Discord Server and Post them in the "prepper-newsletter" channel.

all articles submitted by the authors according to the terms specified on the Preppers Discord Server

Join us next week for more great articles!

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2 columns
1 column