Twelve Months, Twelve Books: My New Year Resolution

New years brings us a lot of hope and start of a new chapter of our amazing life. After a week long holiday with loads of food and drinks its actually time to plan for the new amazing year. Making  new year resolutions and to complete these resolutions actually makes the year more interesting. 

I never had made plans for a new year. And for this year I got this great idea for my new year resolution. I am preparing for my entrance tests next year and I have sort of mini library at my own room but apart from this I am going to read twelve books in 2018 one in each month. I have heard a beautiful line about books that "Books are the best friends with no expectations and commitments" I am sure books are the best friends. But when you are reading the same books over and over for objective questions believe me you'll change your feelings for those books.

This 2018 is going to be great for me. I am sure I'll better on my entrance test ( not overconfident though) and apart from my course books I'll read twelve other books that may change my life.

Books change the way you think and brings whole lots of positive vibes in you that eventually may bring some changes in your life. In this moment of my life, I am looking for some motivations and I'm sure books are the best ways to seek for motivations. This thought made me to think of this resolutions and I'm sure I'll be able to stick with my resolution.
I could have thought of A week, A book resolution but remember? I got to prepare for my tests as well. So if you can you may go with this idea as well. 

Here's how I'll be Choosing books

The first book I'll be reading in the month of january is 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coehlo. This recommendation is from one of my friend here in steemit and also in my real life @virus95. I thank him for this recommendation.

If you have a recommendation of books for me that would be great you can do that for sure in the comments below. I'll be searching for those books here in Kathmandu and will be reading those for sure as far as I can.

After completing a book I'll be posting the review of those books here on steemit and will be sharing what changes did that book bring to my life. So it means Twelve months, Twelve books and Twelve reviews.

What's your plans for the new year by the way? What changes do you want in your life in 2018? What is your wishlist for 2018? Share your amazing new year resolutions plans here in the comments. Its great to see the new year resolutions of all you amazing people and let's try to stick with it. 

Happy new year to all the people reading this post. May this year brings a lot of happiness and prosperiety to your life.

I want this to be a challenge to myself. If you want to take this challenge as well you are most welcome. Take this challenge yourself or nominate others and make a post like this #tmtbchallenge as one of your tags and make a post every months about the book you completed. That'll fun I guess.

Thank you!


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