The Wearable Arts Award Show - always a WOW on my yearly calendar!

After a pretty tiring year and a difficult last couple of months, I’m finally starting to feel like my energy is coming back.

I’m cheered by thinking that we might even get a summer this year. We’ve had a few sunny days already after a year of constant rain. Though admittedly it is raining again today, and forecast to rain till next Friday. Still, if we get some sun next weekend, I’ll be happy.

So anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the Wearable Arts show.

Image Source – WoW Website

A world class theatrical, creative and fashion event that has become a yearly highlight for myself and three girlfriends.

We start out with brunch, then head on over to the show. Today’s brunch was at Dockside restaurant on the waterfront. I had a salmon fillet with prawn, broccoli and a yummy sauce. Then a gluten free chocolate torte with chocolate crème brulee. No photos, sorry!

The show itself is hard to put into the words. It’s always an amazing theatrical event with music, dance and amazing lighting – and that’s just what is going on as a backdrop to the showing of the costumes. The main purpose is to showcase innovative costume design from all around the world.

Here’s a video, from WoW’s Youtube channel, giving a taster of some of what we saw. The three costumes in the opening scene are from previous years but the rest is excerpts from this years show.

Every year there are six categories. They always have Aotearoa (another name for New Zealand), Avant Garde and Open and the other three change. This year they were Red, Science Fiction and Illumination Illusion (using ultraviolet light).

This was the winner of the Aotearoa section by Dutch artist Saar Snoek. It’s called Human Nature and represents a coral reef.

Image Source – Radio NZ website

You can see the winners from all the categories here on the WoW website.

If you’re planning a trip to New Zealand at any stage, the show is always on at the end of September, early October and is well worth planning to see. The Wellington weather isn’t all that fabulous at that time of year, mind you, but hey, you can’t have everything.

There are a few more photos in my Steemit post about last years show.

And I’ll leave you with another video form WoW’s Youtube channel. This one is called “Taking WoW to the World” and is just two minutes of highlights from previous years.

Thanks for reading and hopefully I’ll be back up and posting regularly again now!

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