That's one small step for a team, one giant leap for Steem


Edit: Our #2 Auction is successfully finished. The website has just been updated and the winners of the auction published. We would like to thanks everyone who has participated in any way!

Also, the #3 Auction has just started.
Important: Please clear cache and cookies.


Tartaros belongs to @urachem/ Tx
Price: 1503 STEEM / Transferred: yes ✔

Zyklop belongs to @mancer-sm-alt / Tx
Price: 1500 STEEM / Transferred: yes ✔

Lightsaber belongs to @uraniumfuture / Tx
Price: 1410 STEEM / Transferred: yes ✔

Last block is the one that is produced 20:00:00, according to


There is not much time left until the end of the second auction and we’re very proud of the progress on NextColony so far. We’re working hard behind the scenes. We have been working full time for several weeks and we only rest when we run out of coffee or donuts.

We get a lot of positive feedback from redfishes, minnows, dolphins, and whales from different parts of the world. We know that many eyes are on us. This fills us with pride and we can promise you that we not only want to fulfill this expectation but also to trump it.

We would like to thank @sternenkrieger, @reggaemuffin and @govinda71 for the fast and uncomplicated payment processing of the first auction.

We had planned to start tomorrow, but with only one module, as we wrote in the last announcement. We postpone the start by two weeks and then start with seven modules. Thus we offer a much better experience when we open the gates.

We hereby also announce a concrete date for the start:

We will open the gates on:
April 21, 2019 20:00:00 UTC

There are three important pieces of information that will interest all bidders of the auctions:

  • The droprate of the planets is finalized: Common (60%), Uncommon (30%), Rare (9.999%), Legendary (0.001%). Legendary planets will be even more valuable than planned.

  • At the beginning of our work on NextColony, we have planned to sell more planets in the shop. We have canceled this. We're not going to sell any more planets. We will forego this income and therefore improve the game massively. This will increase the value of the 9 planets in the auction enormously.

  • You can create an alliance and as a team, you will be able to build a wonder of the universe on a legendary planet. 30% of the earnings will flow back. Actively and successfully players will be rewarded. Legendary planets get a highlighted position in this metric and the successful construction and defense of a wonder of the universe will be rewarded.

The #2 auctions already total 3359 STEEM
End: April 07, 2019 20:00:00 UTC
Go to the auctions »

The uranium legendary planets are bargains at this time. The first buyers can be really happy. Sell your house, your car and a kidney - otherwise you'll regret it later.

We have made good progress on our roadmap and also added some modules. We'll keep some more surprises, so there is no way to get boring at all.


  • Buildings ✓
  • Shipyard ✓
  • Planets (show/sort) ✓
  • Galaxy ✓
  • Skills ✓
  • Balancing ✓
  • Shop (chest/rune) ✓
  • Fleet (explore/transport)
  • Planets (buy/sell)
  • RPG
  • Missions
  • Fleet (battle)
  • Alliance
  • Fractions
  • Wonders of the universe

We will finalize fleet (explore/transport) in the next 7 days. After that, we will start testing and fixing bugs extensively for 7 days. Then we'll take off.

Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, and all your colleagues about the start date.

We will open the gates on:
April 21, 2019 20:00:00 UTC

Something big is coming.

Resteem to the moon.

Thanks for your patience.

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