The tale of my visit to a Nigerian Police Station; the conclusion

Previously on my tale

We are now on our way to the DPO's office. My hopes are very high. The police public relations have painted the police several times as being our friend and I am expecting such treatment. I was ready to forgive these men for playing to the gallery. I already have the assumption that their half education have made them behave the way they have done. I said to myself "I have forgiven and forgotten what you guys are doing to me, let me just get to the DPO and we settle this matter once and for all". I had also painted a picture of how the conversation with the DPO would look like. Just as we have previously seen in home videos, all thanks to Nollywood. I had painted a picture of how I will enter the office with BIGGI and one of the officers(since others were taking the back stage; maybe they don't know what to expect from the DPO) and they taking a salute and I taking a short bow. Then we explain ourselves.

Majority of my imaginations didn't come true. We met the DPO right at the entrance of his office having a talk with some of his men. He is a man of the accurate military height requirement, a little taller than I am. The police uniform was looking smart and fitted on him, so my expectation of some decency was still being nourished. Ehen! what is the problem? BiGGI explained just as it is. This man was taking video when our men stopped him and all. Oho!, he faced me. So, young man, why were you taking a video and bla bla bla, didn't allow too much audience. The question was more like one not expecting an answer. The best answer I could give was the one that caused the first officer to go angry at me. The way this man is asking this question, I am not sure it is going to go well with him either. I just decided to keep mute and just said I didn't know it was an offence. Right there and then, a lady close by added her own. He wants to upload it on facebook. That's how they do, they will upload it on facebook (Social media, i said in my mind. I was going to upload on twitter too so social media would be a better word) and put what we did not do there. Soon, I was getting the audience but unfortunately not the favorable one. They were all on the condemnation end such that I was already looking like a notorios criminal they had been trailing for a long time now and were so glad they had caught up with me because they were going to get promoted because of it. It was like one in the middle of the market and all sellers making gestures at you to come and buy what they were selling.

I have been looking for people like you to make a scape goat. Are you a journalist? you are videoing an officer on duty. I will show you today. Those were the words (unfortunate ones) I heard from the DPO. I was "shooked" (shocked is an understatement). I didn't expect it. Was he doing it because of his staffs that were around? Was I obstructing his "good boys" from bringing home that day's delivery (some police heads get their share from the illicit kickbacks collected from citizens). Am I in trouble? He called on the IPO; probably the only officer i remembered his rank, and told him to take a statement from me. In my mind I was like this is nollywood replicating itself on me o. All of these stuffs were better heard when I accidentally come across any of such movies ( i scarcely watch them consciously). Immediately, the IPO took me away ( he tried to use some harsh words to further force down my initially high shoulders (like I had shoulder pads on). He was attending to an issue at that time and couldn't attend to me immediately so , he took me to the entrance to seat by the counter.

Suddenly, everything became unpredictable as they used to be. While navigating the stairs from the DPO's office to the counter, I caught a glimpse of the detainees. This time not as just detainees but maybe "soon to be friends". I was already thinking of the worst case senario. I don't have access to my phone (who do I even want to call?). Is it my cousin? or my aunt. It is not even possible for me to call my aunt. Despite knowing the things have already become that unpredictable. My aunt would take it beyond proportion. She is close to 70 and my mum's elder sister. I used to think my mum was the most prone to worry until I met her. She takes a correct tag of a monitoring spirit.She fidgets so easily. You dare not visit my aunt at 6pm, no matter how long it is that she has met you and would have loved to have you around for a long while, she will literally send you packing immediately.How about you going on an errand for her and you sen to be a minute late or you went to work and have not returned at the time you used to? She has already taken the garment of worry. I started staying with them during my NYSC which was about 2 years back. I had been posted to Lagos and their place was the easiest accommodation I could get. Talk about any other thing, the place was far more than enjoyable except for the fact that my movements were restricted. I was taken like a "Jhonny just come" who could not go anywhere without a guidance (my aunt for you). So movements were restricted and all that. You see why calling my aunt was not an option? Letting her into this is causing panic. Hey! my son! police! what did he do! Ha! He is a good boy o!. I was already imagining the speed she will take to the police station and scene to be created. At this time although it looked like things getting out of my hands, I wasn't willing to see such scene; It will reduce my high shoulders the

Behind the counter, I met two categories of persons, most of them women. One was apologetic to my cause and asked calmly why I was videoing, others just made mockery with all sorts of irrelevant questions and gestures. I didn't care, the case was already with their oga, we'll know how to go from there. The thought of the salah meat was no more important at this junction; it's no more important as time was already strolling off.It was already approaching 4:30 pm (the clock at the reception made access to that easy enough).


I was just sited at the reception; maybe hoping a miracle would just happen and someone I know steps in or another person would ask what a gentle man was doing behind the counter (in my dreams right). I saw a guy who had just brought food for his friend in detention. I saw as the police woman attended to him. He was told to open the food and take some spoons of the rice he had most likely bought from a "mama put". He wasn't looking like a family man who would have made the food from his Just my guess though. Invariably, all the things I see in home videos were happening to me plain and clear. Here am not knowing the next step. I know I am about writing a statement which to me is to be an interesting one. I have heard of situations wherein people were said to have been forced to write what they did not do. In my mind, I was saying in as much as I would be writing myself, no one could twist my statement. In short, I was looking forward to the event. Meanwhile the trio of the police men who brought me to the "station too were to write a statement too. I had seen how they all flocked into an office to put their "bad heads" down to write whatever it was they could. I wondered what it was they had in the paper when they brought it to the IPO some hours latter.

In the middle of my thoughts, I saw a not too tall figure but obviously distressed appear at the other side of the counter. It was a figure of my dear cousin;Ifeanyi's friend. Ify had called to inform him of my predicament. Tola works with as a flight dispatcher with Arik air and was just about leaving the office after his afternoon shift when the call from Ifeanyi came in. He had swiftly dropped his bag at home and headed straight way to the 'station; obviously not telling anyone anything. It was after he got to the 'station he had to brief his dad about it. It was even because a friend of his had asked after him and was waiting at home. Invariably, my aunt was kept out of the show. On citing me behind the counter, he someway was trying to console me for having gone through what I had gone through. But for me, It was just like an adventure just that with him now in the picture, I know I am at least not alone. Soon enough, he had called a friend of his in a police station close to our house. They knew each other after there was an incident of theft in our room. We had slept on that faithful saturday and obviously forgot to lock our door. Some guys had snicked in and made away with our laptops and phones (I don't wish to talk about this). His laptop was barely 1 week old and we even wondered what those guys did to us that we never woke up till they perfected their mission. After the incident, It was not the fear of the laptop they took that was my concern but the fact that if they were on a mission to kill us, that would have just been it. At least, he could be forgiven for haven been slightly drunk before he slept, but for me, I pitied myself.

Time to write a statement and I was back upstairs at the IPO's office. He handed me a form so, I started writing. It was more like writing a comprehension when I was in my primary school days. My name is Oludotun Onakoya, I am the second of three children. I am a citizen of Ogun State, Nigeria, I stay at so so so... My father's name is so so... I wondered why all those were important in this instance. My mind was on the point of describing the event of the day. We got there at last and the IPO told me to write what happened. I was expecting an arm twisting but non of such happened (I am glad at least for that, what I had written won't be used against me in the court of law). In fact, he eventually was the one who gave me a tangible reason for my recording (funny enough). He said you recorded so that there will be a record of what happened abi?, write it there. Meanwhile while I was on the statement, my cousin has been about lobbying how to facilitate my release. Practically doing all the begging I was not ready to do (I am too proud you will say. But I just don't like these guys). He has lived in Lagos all his life and I guess he knows the way here. Unfortunately, it was obvious those guys want something but he was not prepared for something either. I had much on me than he But I am not even ready to release what I have with me. His police friend was not able to get an edge way. They are birds of thesame feather I suppose so he wasn't willing to obstruct a potential money entry point.


Meanwhile, I found this funny one to crack you up. It's a statement allegedly written by a dog


Soon after I was through with the statement and the IPO was not in his office, my cousin came in to see me, we were talking and obviously he had tried all he could trying to beg all around. There was even a lady said to be the DPO's girl friend whom the IPO had stylishly advised my cousin to speak to. She appeared to be a numskull. She had shown a silly attitude (can't remember the exact thing she did). The next step was important. There were little options for me. My contacts were on my phone(which is not accessible at the moment). I just remembered I could at least get my boss's number from our company website. I just then told my cousin to visit the website and copy out the mobile contact. I wasn't sure if they would allow me to be on the phone myself so I had to tell him to do it in my stead. I made the call and narrated my ordeal to him. Invariably, I stated with the fact that I was on my way to his place when everything happened (you know that kind of point you want some But I wasn't good at stuffs like this too and could have excused it if I could). Unfortunately, his lawyer who could have been my bail out was still having his hajj in Saudi Arabia. That broke my heart. He mentioned that it is cases like this he (the lawyer) would have loved to address. He mentioned that he had no immediate options at the moment but would speak with people around at the gathering for me. I said okay; trying not to allow him bother too much.

Soon I received a text for a phone number, I was told to call. Fortunately, one of those around at the gathering had a contact of one of the men at thesame "station. We had a back and forth till the officer located me behind the counter (I was brought back there after I had finished with my statement). There, at least I had some little relief but disappointing when I explained my ordeal to the new officer (Inspector Omole) and had to chastise me just like others had done. In my mind , I was asking myself if that was just for some justification in the eyes of his colleagues or otherwise. The only but major thing he did was to take me away from behind the counter to his office. There, I met a man seated opposite his table. I became the second person on the other side in the small office.We were talking back and forth and the next thing Inspector Omole was suggesting was for my boss to come to the station. In my mind, i was like for what!!! So you guys can take enough right? Meanwhile,while behind the counter and while receiving the calls, I had used the opportunity to sign into my Gmail account on my cousin's phone so I can access my contacts. I had a friend who is a lawyer I had me a while ago. It was one of those guy plays in thesame bus that day. Anthonia was wearing thesame watch as mine and I had used that to strike a conversation. We exchanged numbers after then and have been friends. I latter discovered she was a lawyer practicing in a firm here in Lagos.

This time inspector Omole had collected my phone. He dropped it on the table and then went out to have a conversation with his people (i guess). They were still giving different excuses on why my issue can't be solved yet. He even said he couldn't find the IPO and it looked like he had left for his house. We were racing against time too.It was I and the other man in his office that were left in the office. I didn't know if he is a police or not. He was in plain clothing. I stylishly picked my phone and dialed Anthonia's contact. I explained my ordeal and she was furious. Unfortunately time was already far spent, It was already 6:30 pm. If she had to come from where she was, time would have been far spent.She opted to speak with inspector Omole whom I handed the phone to after he came back into the office. They said one or two things but looked like they couldn't reach a conclusive concensors. All I heard the inspector say was that he was making sure things go the right way. At least, that was all I could do at that point.

Mr Omole stepped out and the man sitting close to me said he understands what I am going through that I should only have been careful in other instance. It was like I wasn't hearing him well. I was forced to ask the man if he is a police man. He answered in the affirmative. He said some of their men have just chosen to behave improperly and I should only have been careful in other instances. I couldn't say much. I was dumbfounded. Not long after then, Inspector Omole came in saying he had been instructed to release me on bail to my cousin. Some butterflies were flying in my belly but they obviously couldn't gain freedom until I myself was free.


I filled the form and my cousin signed as expected. I did a scornfull bye bye to the women at the counter on my way out and we were on our way home.


Note my story is not in anyway trying to paint the Nigerian police bad but a quest to share in real what my experience was... Obviously in this story, there were some that still represented the police well although 80% or so of them went the unfortunate direction. After my experience, I thought if the Nigerian police could be re-branded such that we have more learned persons even at the lowest level. It is a fact glaring to the eyes that these men are not being taken care of adequately. There was once a documentary by a famous Nigerian T.V station (Channels television) depicting the deplorable state the police training facility is at the police college. One can't wonder too far what such persons with such training would probably do. Just as it is in the larger society, the "ogas" at the top are the ones taking all the resources to themselves.

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