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So I've been thinking about this for a while now, I mean it doesn't add up that a country as blessed as Nigeria is as shitty as it is right now. I mean like we have the man power, we have the resources, we have just about everything we need to be great but sadly we're barely hanging on for our dear lives if you ask me.


Well if you ask me it's pretty simple




Well just incase you're confused, patriotism is the act of being patriotic, which is in turn

Having or expressing vigorous support to and for your country

You think Nigerians are patriotic?

Let me prove you wrong. It's no new news that Nigerians frequently sell their votes for as little as 1500 naira(less than 5 dollars), now tell me this, how is a country supposed to move forward when the people who are supposed to vote in better leaders are basically selling their votes for less than 5 dollars??? If Nigerians were even the least bit patriotic, no one would sell their vote, but in this country it's every man for himself.

Let me give you a simple scenario,

Mr Muhammadu is contesting for a second term as a local government chairman and he knows that the only way for him to win is to make alliances with people who have sway over the masses. Now he goes over to Mr Ajayi who just happens to be the newly elected youth leader in the community and obviously has control over what the youths do and don't do. Mr Mohammadu promises him a huge some of money if he can get the youths to vote for him and also promises him a seat in his cabinet. Bear in mind, Mr Mohammadu hasn't done squat for the community and has essentially been stealing the local governments allocations for years and this is something that everybody knows. Mr Ajayi is overwhelmed by the money that is promised to him decides that he's going to take up the deal so he goes to the youths and tells them that he will personally give them something to fill their pockets as long as they vote for Mr Mohammadu who never did anything but steal their money.

The minimum wage in Nigeria last I checked was about 18000 Naira monthly(45-50dollars/month). Knowing this, you can't expect a man/woman/boy/girl who barely sees any money at all to not vote for he who's giving him live cash instead of another aspirant who's obviously a better choice but has nothing but the promise of a better tomorrow to offer.

The problem with most Nigerians is that we only think about ourselves, most Nigerians will take the deal that favours only them against the one that will favour everyone else.


Simple!!! It's because we aren't patriotic!! As much as we want the country to get better in Nigeria, most of us want our various situations to get better even more and thus the cycle of bad governance continues.

I can't even blame Nigerians anymore, we've been lead astray by so many governments that we lack faith in the Nigerian Government as a whole, so everybody just wants to take what they can when they can...what a pity.

The presidential elections are coming up next year and by then I'll be a youth corper and as such I will probably become an electoral official, as much as I hate myself for thinking it, the thought of how much money I'll make when the ruling political parties visit my polling center and offer me money to rig the election frequents my mind alot. I'd like to believe that when the time comes I'll do the right thing and turn them down, but alas, I'm a Nigerian, a child of Esau if you will, because I just might sign over my country for the modern day equivalent of a bowl of porridge.


So that when that time comes, I'll re-read my own words and hopefully choose Nigeria over my own pocket.

That's it for today folks, if you liked it then




This is coming to you from @stach's very own @francistagbo.

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