The Journal of a Mildly Frustrated Nigerian Entry 3

I am ill. I think I have malaria. Does malaria make you hallucinate, because I think I was hallucinating yesterday. Only been in Lagos all of six days and I’ve been sick for four, Lagos mosquitoes must be stronger than their Ibadan cousins. My temperature is sky high and my body can’t decide if it’s cold or hot, I can barely eat and everything I eat tastes terrible. But I’ll live.

I’m staying with a friend right now and the way they set up their food is very interesting; everything is cooked in advance, put into containers with appropriate labels and then frozen, so when you’re hungry you just go in the freezer pick what you want to eat and defrost it. Pretty neat.

I attended the third edition of the Lagos Comic Con on Saturday; I was thrilled geeks like myself now have an avenue to meet up and geek out. I wrote a post about it here. I have also been watching more movies lately, I am surprised at how good some movies made in the 50’s and 60’s are, Nollywood really needs to step up. I might start writing movie reviews soon.

I have been watching more cartoons lately too, the new cartoon network is crazy, who authorised these shows for kids? Adventure time, Regular show and the amazing world of gumball seem like stuff caved out of the imagination of a person high on LSD. I wonder how these shows would affect the thoughts of the next generation, they would be hella crazy.

It’s like there’s a new hurricane every time I peep the news. First there was hurricane Harvey, the hurricane Irma and just yesterday I saw something about a hurricane Maria. I wonder how they come up with names for the hurricanes, is there like a council that decides these things? “Let’s name this one after Mr Steve for leaking the tactics of the male gender in his ‘Think like a man’ movie.” And of course the women in attendance were on board because of what he did during the Miss World Pageant.

Happenings in the world right now are crazy indeed; Hurricanes abroad, floods and mudslides closer to home. I can’t begin to imagine what the victims are going through, I do hope they get the strength and fortitude they need to rebuild their lives.

Get thee behind me malaria, I need to write more posts. Hopefully I'll be back at 100% before the weekend, it's been years since I've been this weak for this long.

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