BAD GOVERNANCE: Nigeria As A case Study

In one of my articles which i titled: Society: A curse or a blessing?, I looked at the formation of civil society and how society today came to be. It is evident from that fact that society was formed to:

1) Protect lives

2) Protect property

These two factors were very important as at that time. As civilization would have it, human being started expecting the government to develop the state and thus provision of social amenities becomes a crucial duty of every reasonable government.

While many 'developed' countries have gone beyond some social problems and diseases, here in Nigeria, many things are being taken for granted.

It is also not a new thing to everybody that what we lack in Africa is a good leader. Most of our leaders have this egoistic behavior that their major aim is to enrich their pockets and provide good standard of living for their families. They do this at the expense of the common man on the street.

Do i really blame them? Not really! Why? Because the politics we play in this part of the world is what is called: STOMACH INFRASTRUCTURE. The high rate poverty in this part of the world has been seen as an important tool to oppress the common man and make them do things they wouldn't do rationally. 

When you watch political campaigns/debates of the US, you reason with them, you see fact, good points, they highlight and tell you what is on ground, what they intend to do. There, people will easily remind the candidate of his/her promises if he or she finally made it to the White House.

The reverse is the case here. Political campaigns are done with dance, brooms, umbrella. The people sing and dance and in the end, receive 500-1000 naira (around 10 SBD). The people are given 1 cup of rice or beans, T-Shirt, Polo, Caps. 

Poverty they say, is the worst disease. These aspirants will promise the people heaven and earth. Things they cannot achieve in 20 years, they will promise the people that they would do them in 4 years. Here, few keep records. Even if you remember the promises, who would you meet to ask for the fulfillment of those promises?

During campaign, an aspirant will eat the most local food in the country with the masses. This is called 'show of belonging'. They sell fake belief to the people suggesting they are equal. But immediately they win the election, you can only see them from distance with many bodyguards! Do they still eat the local foods? NO! 

What am i driving? Today, i was going to work as a normal employee. Stepping out i saw flood on the street. I asked, don't we have a councillor and chairman? We do! Then what happened? Nothing! They are not just obliged to fulfill their campaign promises! They will quickly remind you they have bills to pay. They were chosen via a common system here in Nigeria called: godfatherism. Their godgathers used money to buy them into office by gifting out cups of rice, bean, T-Shirt, polo, etc. And also paying some people to get voters to the polling units by giving them 500-1000 naira.

So election promises are just mere chatting words that once uttered, is blown away by the winds!

Look at the images to understand my experience today

Me removing my shoes

Me entering the dirty water

After removing my shoes

I was wondering, what do i do? How do i go to work today? Do i need to off my shoes? Is this dirty water safe? If it is, do i need hand sanitizer to at least apply on the legs? These and many questions popped into my head. But i have no choice other than to enter the dirty water!

Preparing to enter the water

Inside the dirty water

Holding the sachet water i will use to rinse my legs 

Rinsing my legs after the sad encounter

This was my sad experience today as a citizen of a 'great' country! 

Thanks for reading! 


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