Invisible Structures - A brand new original poem for Nihilistic Rainbow #4

Here we are in this fantastic Year of 2018; its the same old(er) me, but more dedicated and motivated than ever! I have many goals for this year and for life beyond, and one of which is to write more poetry; my specific goal for 2018 is to write 52 or more poems, the following is one of them ;p

@sature hosts the very creative Satirical Poem Contest under the hashtag #nihilisticrainbow, and so far this year I have quite enjoyed participating, and have been rewarded handsomely for doing so! My previous entry won first prize in the #3 competition! If you are interested in creatively themed poetry, it might be wise to follow @sature.

This week's theme is 'Humans - The Only Known Animal That Lives Within Borders'.

Let's get to it!

I respect no lot lines or borders. I will drink the nectar from your flowers because they are not your flowers. Photo © Ledis Arango V.

Invisible structures run all of our lives
and every day more and more laws go live.
Invisible numbers represent our wealth.
Invisible schemes are what we call health.
But the strangest system we have by far
delineates us and encourages war.

Imagine a world where you're free to roam;
so bright and prosperous, many a poem
are written, and have been, about our home
ingenious creation under a starry dome.

But then someone said, 'Don't cross this line!
You stay on your side, stay off of mine.'
And over time more lines got drawn,
'cause nobody ever wants to share their lawn.
Westphalian Peace then sets the stage
for modern life, each in our drawn cage.

Now trapped by lines drawn by dead men,
we live our lives and try to fend
off suspicion that we should be free-er,
that some other grass is greener.
But those lines are quite suspicious;
our borders border on ficticious.

It made sense at first, back in grade school,
but now it all seems so uncool,
forced separation used as a tool
to keep us all easier to rule.

Tomorrow's dead men rule us today
and they say the lines are here to stay.
So get your passport and get a stamp,
be a good boy, not a tramp.
Stay in line, get a job,
all the while the elites lob-
-by for H1B's and visa waivers,
just the richest men exchanging favors.

Did you know that if you pay
the invisible lines will just go away?
All my money's already spent,
but I never leave my apartment.

I hope you enjoyed what I have to offer this week. See you all soon!

Some of my best internet friends ride the #ecotrain

Love and Light to All!

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