Poem: Endarkenment (Original & Freshly Baked This Evening)


Synchronicity (Again)

It is funny that I came across this subject as a poetry competition, as it is the perfect explanation of what it is going on in my head at the moment - endarkenment.

It might have been a tongue in cheek suggestion, but my head is going through a whole new education right now as morals, thoughts, beliefs are all in the process of being adjusted.

Thank you "Might is Right". It's an education, but I agree with a lot of the views on religion and society, but the rest is quite difficult to digest, but it definitely could fall under the category of endarkenment.

Poem: Endarkenment

A life's journey blinded by rainbows and light
When I should have been looking in the dead of night
Belief in what is good and pure
I don't believe in that anymore.

The spiritual plain is still on the horizon
As my mind adjusts and gets more wisened
But no more organized religion
Not even a tiny smidgen.

Endarkenment shuts down the outside world
It's ends blackened and curled
An eclipse of the brain
As my own thoughts reign

I will create my truths
And teach them to the youths
I will not be a politician's muse
I will be who I choose

I am going to end up off the grid
Away from society, but still amid
Nature, friends and the weather
Free, without law's tether.

Closing Thoughts

I will always have a strong belief in love though, as much as it has done me bad. It is my core. Everyone needs a helping hand out of the darkness at some point, even if it is just a fleeting moment. What they do after that fleeting moment is theirs to decide, I hope they choose to use it to get strong in themselves and not sink back into the tar.

I also keep hearing the phrase "Every good deed never goes unpunished", which is quite apt as I have ended up a grand in debt from helping someone out last November. I need to pick the people I choose to help more carefully, not be blinded by the heart or convincing small talk, but instead look for strength.

Lessons everywhere I look. But it is awesome I have never been it such a good place in my head. Free and content.

And it will only get better, as more makes sense in the arms of the universe.

Ps. Thank you to @ecoinstant, else I would have never seen this competition.

Nihilistic Rainbow #3 - A new round of the satirical poem contest

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