Oh hai Noganoo, what's up. Thanks for the follow. Are you here to make me rich and famous with a flagging? :D Don't you have somewhere better to be? Like prison?

Oh hai @Noganoo, what's up?

Thanks for the follow. Are you here to make me rich and famous with a flagging? :D Don't you have somewhere better to be? Like prison?

Can't wait for you to start your petulant little rage flagging on me. It will be the best thing that EVER happened to my account if you do.

So what's holding you back?

Still mad from when I used to ban your sock puppets in PAL/MSP last summer? Did you get a boo-boo?


@noganoo now follows you
Details of @noganoo account:
Account created: 618.26 days ago
Reputation: -60.5
Steem Power: 644.480 SP (283.138 + 608.169 - 246.827)
Followers: 10132
Follows: 181405
Time: 2018-02-16T01:39:09



*I guess I 've made it as a witness here since we last met. I've had a @sneak flag, a 100% @dan upvote and a brief chat with @ned on accountability. I know @transisto listens to some of our radio shows on our streaming network and I once rickrolled @nextgencrypto in text by pasting the lyrics on his blog, when he asked for witness bids for his votes. I've been around. LOL. (I'm still never gonna give you up or let you down, Bernie! lolololol)

Now you Nog! be still my beating heart, my steem life is complete!!!

/smh fuck off.

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