Minnows are in trouble ( Yes that mean's YOU )

It was recently brought to my attention that some are trying to change the reward pool or more correctly put change the the min payout a post / comments will receive. The suggested min payout is $1.00. For us minnows, that's a drastic change as it's a rare occasion one of our comments/post reaches $1.00. This change is not set in stone and currently is only a suggestion.

Why was this suggested you may ask. Well the foundation for the suggested change is the spam comments that plague steemit from users. The theory is that once the $1.00 min. payout is introduced these spammers will no longer profit from spamming the same comment over and over again on multi-threads. One only needs to look at the introduction section to see many do this.

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The problem with implementing such a change is that it lumps everyone together. Punishing the newbie / minnow user who are providing good content to the platform because you want to punish spammers. Good content can't always be defined by it's monetary value. If you are a newbie / minnow then for the most part your good content goes unnoticed aside from some other newbies / minnows commenting and upvoting. You can get a dozen upvotes from newbies that like your post and only have 0.05 in rewards. Why should such a comment have it's rewards removed due to wanting to punish spammers ? The answer is that it shouldn't. Newbies and minnows alike depend on these small payouts to grow our account. It's a momentum occasion when we see one of our comments has reached $1.00 in rewards.

If Steemit goes in this direction, for the most part only Dolphins and Whales ( posters with the most influence on steemit ) will be receiving the bulk of the payments. It's hard enough to succeed on steemit as a newbie / minnow if this is introduced it will only get harder. These small payments we receive as newbies is what helps us grow our account.

Click Here to visit the topic the suggestion was brought up in and voice your opinion. Create a topic of your own and help spread the word so more voices are heard. I am only a newbie myself but I am starting a new tag called, nominpayout , Please use it in any new topic about the subject you may create. It will help to keep our opinions in one place and garner support.

There are many better options to make steemit a better platform for it's users, like spreading out the rewards more evenly. There is no way hundreds or even thousands of votes should be worth less then one vote from another member. How about reducing or removing the time it takes to create a free account. I know I waited two plus weeks before being approved / accepted. How many members has Steemit missed out on because of that function ? I am willing to bet it's in the thousands. But those suggestions are better off left for another topic as each could spark giant conversations on their own.


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