Introducing @notlikeme

What is the purpose of the @notlikeme Steemit account?

@notlikeme is curator account that has two primary goals:

  1. Celebrate a diverse Steemit community
  2. Showcase Steemians who are #notlikeme

Our community encompasses a wide range of:

  • knowledge
  • life experience
  • culture/languages
  • worldviews
  • and perspectives

It will not take you long to find someone who is completely different than you. We should celebrate those differences and showcase those differences.


What does the #notlikeme hashtag represent?

The #notlikeme hashtag acknowledges that the Steemit community is ...

  • A Global Community - We come from many nations, but traditional geopolitical boundaries cannot restrict how we interact with each other.
  • Strengthened by Our Differing Worldviews and Perspectives - We choose to engage in civil discussion even when we disagree based on personal, cultural, political, or religious differences.
  • A Source of Valuable Information - Our collective knowledge and life experience is both an opportunity to learn and teach. We choose to do both.
  • People Focused - and STEEM may have brought us together, but our relationships with each other will keep us together.

How To Join The Movement!

  • Write posts about people in your Steemit community that are not like you.
    • Explain why this person is important to you. Celebrate your differences and similarities.
    • Explain how he or she adds value to our community.
    • Be sure to ask permission to use photos that are not yours (even if they are from the Steemian you are showcasing).
  • Use the #notlikeme hashtag.
    • Please limit one showcased Steemian per post. This way you can be sure to celebrate that person well.
  • Join the Not Like Me Discord Channel and share your posts that contain the #notlikeme hashtag.
  • Support other Steemit community members who use the #notlikeme hashtag.
  • Share this Introduction Post when you use the hashtag. You can copy and paste the information below to create a link
    [Not Like Me Introduction](

Let's create a movement together as we celebrate our differences!

How does @notlikeme plan to grow?

This curator account is managed by @sumatranate and will be grown through grassroots methods.

This account will resteem any post that uses the #notlikeme hashtags as long as it is written in good faith. Misuse of the #notlikeme hashtag will not be tolerated or supported.

@notlikeme will also inform the Steemian who is being showcased that their individuality and uniqueness is being celebrated.

If you would like to support @notlikeme and #notlikeme by donating STEEM/SBD or by delegating Steem Power, I would be honored.

I look forward to learning more about the people in your community that are making an impact on you.

Your Turn

Let keep the conversation going.

  1. Who do you want to showcase with the #notlikeyou hashtag?
  2. Do you have any suggestions for strengthening this movement?
  3. What qualities do you appreciate about other people who are not like you?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Image Source:

The @notlikeme Steemit banner is a modified version of two photos that can be found on Pixabay.

The @notlikeme Steemit avatar is a modified version of the following photo that can be found on Pixabay.

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