In my secret life...

...I'd love to be a shepherd. Call me crazy, spit in my face, mock me in the middle of an agora full of people but hear me out. Cause I've got a motivation for it.


Romania has a tradition in raising sheep. Especially in its central part but everywhere usually, we raise sheep. Our pillar in what is "folkloric poems" revolves around 3 shepherds and it is literally called "the Little Sheep". Even our Minister of Agriculture wants to build a "national brand" around it. It seems we forgot how to cherish the sheep, he added.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise that in my secret life I'd love to be a shepherd. And it's not about the meat. I barely eat sheep. It's about the peace and serenity these herds and their keepers still manage to inspire to me every time I pass by them. I just watch the guy and when I get to see his void stare, his "you had one job" management, sometimes just leaning in some stick he carries around, totally carefree and totally living the life you know?

Give him technology! Phua! He doesn't care. In the best case scenario, he carries some smartphone with him because of some commercial on TV made by Vodafone and some dude, the shepherd Ghiță. They were showing him, high on the mountains, in his summer sheepfold, in the middle of nature, binging on Netflix.

Give him women! No drama there. He'll just use them like you give them and then go back to doing what he's doing. Roaming the mountain with his herd and 5 dogs, watching the sun come up and go down each day from a different meadow.

Give him alcohol! Ok! no, I'm kidding. Don't give him alcohol, he cares about that.


Maybe I would only appreciate that careless life if I would be able to keep the mind I possess now. Each life comes with its own set of rules and its own pains in the ass. Plus that I do not know all the details. All I see is a nice concept, the sightseeing part, their big chunks of white wool on the green of the land. I am not there with them when the bear comes. I have no fucking clue how easy or difficult it is to cut the wool off a sheep. Not to talk about the nights with bad weather spent in your shed, up in the middle of the mountain brains.

But still, if he goes out to pee and it's a full moon night and clear sky, I bet you that he will have a way better view than any of us.

And he skips the politics class every day. He gives zero shit on who's in charge of the country. For him is all the same. His job won't get better or worse, there will be no politician coming to the rescue when wolves will come and steal some baby sheep. Or even worse, when politicians will be coming to steal some baby sheep.

I envy that way of life for the good times. For the bad ones, I stick to my real life. But maybe someday, as a sabbatical year, you'll be finding me in the mountains, guarding some sheep...

...while making photos for Steemit.

Ignorance is bliss...


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