OCD Daily: Issue #17

Operation Curation Delegation (OCD)

New User Content Daily Feature

OCD DAILY: Issue #17

Welcome! Issue #17 Highlights content from seven (7) up and coming Steemit Content Creators! The OCD team has been searching daily throughout Steemit, Steemit.chat, and beyond, to find the GEMS of the new user content world...

Our (20) curators, under our great leader, @acidyo, have delivered 7 new pieces of original content to share with you! These works are created by relatively new Steemit Users, and had not been viewed or appreciated by the Steemit community... as of the moment they were found by OCD. @OCD strives to put a spotlight on Gems like these, and to showcase the Steemit users who are putting in the effort to create quality content.

We encourage you to visit these blogs, and to show these great Steemit users your support and encouragement.

Give them a Follow if you are enjoying their work!

Today, OCD Daily Features, seven (7) noteworthy pieces of content which made it to the top from among all the submitted nominations. After one of the closest rounds of voting thus far by our curators, the piece of content that was voted the most by our curators has been named OCD's Top Nomination of the Day.

Today's Top OCD Nomination is entitled, Biological Inequality As a Possible Future

Nominated by @dorman, user @natord This post takes us into the world of medicine and technology being mixed to create ways to keep humans alive far longer than nature would have allowed... A controversial topic to some. Will humans find a way to "live forever", or even merge with the machine world?


Read this fascinating technology post HERE

Our Second most voted nomination came to use from user @therovingreader

Nominated by @jznsamuel, the post entitled Goodbye Job, Hello World: Thoughts I Had About Leaping Into the Unknown tied for the most votes. It's a cool read into the perspective of a Software Engineer and his life!

Check out this fun read HERE

Our Third Content Feature is Entitled Swedish Cyborgs and My Thoughts on Transhumanism, comes from user @mrslauren.

Nominated by @suesa, This science based article dives into the possibilities of Transhumanism... another sometimes controversial topic to some people. Biometric Tattoos, microchips... what will the future hold for us?


Check out this interesting post HERE

Our Fourth Piece of Content comes to from user @armigoldman

Nominated by @jacobchamplain, How to tell if someone is lying to you, takes us into the mind of humans when they lie. The author posts on this topic often, so check out the blog if you are into psychology, or even just human behavior in general!


Check out this look into detecting lies, HERE

The Fifth piece of content to catch OCD's attention was written by user @mattphilleo.

Entitled, How I Saved Money on Acrylic Paint, and Nominated by @clevercreator, This are related post details the artists methods on saving paint in different containers to help save money. If you are a painter, want to be a painter, or know someone who is... this post may be very helpful for you!

Read this thrifty and artistic post HERE

Our Sixth Content Feature is from @gentbynature.

Entitled, An Introduction to Film Photography Nominated by @mk40, The author and photographer goes into detail on why they prefer to use actual hard copy film when they do their works. They are very enthusiastic about the process and reasons why they prefer film, which made for a great read!

Read this fun and interesting photography post HERE

The Seventh Steemit Post to be nominated by the OCD Team came from user @diabolika

Nominated by one of our newest OCD Curators, @guyfawkes4-20, The Post Entitled, Hitchhiking Brazil - Freedom, Danger and Defying Society HH Series Part 1details the authors experience of traveling in Brazil, by hitchhiking. The details are are vivid and keep you reading throughout the post. A great read for anyone thinking about traveling abroad!

Check out this suspenseful travel blog HERE

This concludes OCD Daily: Issue #17, congratulations to the all of the authors that were nominated today, as well as those who were featured.

We hope you enjoyed these amazing pieces of content created by the Steemit community, and identified by @ocd's curators.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Issue #18 of OCD Daily!

Keep up the good work creating original content...

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

Written by @ma1neevent

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