Ode Challenge - New poetry contest hosted by @japhofin8or

Thank you, @japhofin8or. I love an Ode and the subject matter was fun to play with.
Here is the original link (which you can also find just under this post on my blog) Come along and play all you writing folks: @japhofin8or/ode-challenge-poetry-contest-1

My entry below:

Ode to "A Broken Lawn Chair"

I can not count the hours,
or years,
that you have supported me.

How you elevated my girth,
with poise,
and style.

Your structure,
so modern,
yet they always
called you vintage.

The way a heavily fringed
shawl draped your
voluminous curves.

How inviting,
an overstuffed feather
cushion pushing
against your firmness.

There were times,
I would yearn
to be in your
in the garden.

The day you collapsed,
that day,
I burdened you
one time
too many.

How careless I was,
pushing you
onto your back legs,
with the yield
of an amazon
coming down hard.

“What’s the limit?”
I thought as I was
sadly looking over you
bent under a shroud
of fringe and feathers,
fluffed brocade.

Had I expected too much
of you
or was it just your time. . .

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