What's Bushcraft anyways? Those Outdoorsy, Self Reliant, Off Grid People!

Knowledge Weighs Nothing.  

A key phrase in my life.  Perhaps yours too or you would not be reading this or many things online!

In a nutshell, Bushcraft is a popular term for Wilderness & Outdoors skills.  Often tied to related items / catch all words / philosophies like Wilderness Living, Self Reliance, Homesteading, Off-Grid life, Survival Skills, Primitive Skills, Backwoods Camping, things like this.   Think "Little House on the Prairie" - that TV show from the early 1970's! 

Today, the primitive skills and knowledge base is clearly something that has been lost and eroded over time, there is no doubt about that.   Realizing this, has helped me move towards my goals and started me on the path to true Self Reliance and Homesteading, and living an Off Grid life with low impact on the world and environment around me.  Learning and Living more and CONSUMING LESS.  

I have a lot of experience with real estate sales, policy, development, land use and assembly, zoning and related political experience for many years.  I have consulted for and with and helped assist many people with these things.  This is a personal area I really enjoy combining everything with.     A bit about my journeys in this area. 

  • Some EASY,  tangible  names / resources to help you: 

The term was made popular in the S. hemisphere by Les Hiddins (the Bush Tucker Man -  retired Australian Army soldier and war veteran, who is best known for his love of the Aussie outdoors/bush) 

In the N. Hemisphere by Canadian Mors Kochanski (North Edmonton - Alberta area, a legend and grandfather in the field) and  as I write this today in Sept. 2016, Mors is still alive and has "taught the teachers of today"  so to speak.  A Pioneer in many respects. 

Bushcraft has gained considerable currency in the United Kingdom due to the popularity of Ray Mears and his bushcraft and survival television programs. 

There is also a nice fellow in the UK who is highly highly skilled as well with tons of outdoors experience who teaches, has VAST online resources, videos etc named Paul Kirtley (Frontier Bushcraft)  -- look him up!  

If you are in the USA or online and want to have access to a vast array of primitive and bushcraft skills / gear, I consider Dave (David) Canterbury (Ohio main office /store and camp and Indiana - secondary location) - likely one of the TOP all-round, most well known and trusted primitive skills, homesteading, self reliance and bushcraft teachers, period, in the world.  He has a mid size mostly family run business with several aspects to it. Look up his work easily online in his name and that of his companies with tons of resources -- the Pathfinder School LLC. and Self Reliance Outfitters.   Frankly, I believe we are lucky to have Dave and his ideals here with us today as well as his family and staff who carry these ideals out daily.  I am not kidding folks.  We have largely lost our connection to common man practices and skills and he has stated that and aims to change it.  I think you will like his teaching style, I know I sure do.   

If you look up Dr. Nicole Apelian online, she has lots of resources also via her blog and website, and her Eco Tours that she does.  She was on the well known TV show ALONE (S. 2) and her specialty is herbal natural medicines and survival skills.  I call her the Julia Roberts of the Woods because of her big laugh and smile that lights up the screen.  She gets a kick out of that.  You will see what I mean if you see her pictures or on the show, or videos.  

These people all / mostly have online video and or YouTube related resources, blogs, groups / pages etc.  on Facebook or the like, have been on mainstream TV shows at times , stores, resources and most of all --- DIRT TIME -- time OUT in the field.   Many of them or their staff in Dave's case -  have spent time with me or helping me, personally or with others.  I know, I have seen it online. 

I thank them all as teachers and woodsmen.  I have no financial connection to them.  I like how they help people and want others to learn and grow and they have put in the time and have affected me positively.  That's all.  I think we should all support one another anyways and those who help others.  Tell them I said hi and that you found them because of Steemit!  Encourage them, we can all use it!  

Bushcraft is also gaining popularity  in urban areas where the average person is or feels separated from nature, as a way to get back in tune with their rural roots.  (This is partly where I am at, feeling a re connection to it is needed in my life along with my desire to live off grid, be self reliant and have a true homestead)   -- We can leave all the fancy high end outdoors and bushcraft/hiking/homesteading/camping etc gear for now like the high end flashlights, headlamps, batteries, backpacks, cooking gear, knives, multi tools, tarps and types of paracord for another day.  LOL. 

The word "bushcraft" has origin in and from skills used in the bush country of Australia.  You'll see  the phrase 'wilderness, survival or woodcraft skills' is used as it describes skills used all over the world.   

Bushcraft is about thriving outside in the *natural environment*, and the acquisition of the skills and knowledge to do so.  Either for fun or learning, or out of necessity.  If a collapse of the systems and environment we now know and see comes, you may have to rely on these skills, is a very solid way of approaching these mindsets, skills, gear, etc.  

Bushcraft skills include firecraft, tracking, hunting, fishing, shelter-building, the use and making of tools such as knives and axes, foraging for wild edibles and food sources, water sourcing, hand-carving wood, container construction from natural materials, and rope and twine/cordage-making, among many others things.   

An enjoyable way to learn or start is simply grab a meal or a snack, look up BUSHCRAFT on YouTube or similar resources, sit back with your feet up, relax and enjoy.  It can be be calming and fun, as well as informative.   

The word bushcraft means lots of things, lots of ways to lots of people.  You will hear the phrase.....

 " THAT AIN'T BUSHCRAFT!!"  as time goes on.  Don't buy into the division that it causes.  

I hope this has helped you in some way.  I thank all those that have helped me, or those like me, to learn.  We are all students.  We are all in this together.  

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