Just like other weekday mornings, I was getting ready to work this morning, except that I had brief look to my bookshelf while I was getting changed. I saw "Dilbert..." hiding behind other books over there. That must be one of my collection of Dilbert books. Not sure what exactly is name of that book as I didn't pull it out, but I pretty sure it is a good one.
Talking about Dilbert, there were already lots of posts in Steemit about it:
So I am not going to introduce it again. You get all you need here: http://dilbert.com
"How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big", just because of the name of this book, I decided to get a copy of it!
Back to Dilbert, it was introduced by a colleague during my first job after graduate. I was working for a U.S. Silicon-valley based computer company at that time, and which was exactly what Dilbert's background setup with. So I shared a lot of feeling with the characters inside this comics. That's why I loved it a lot.
I had a lot of Dilbert products back to that time and this one is my favourite:
A Dilbert Candy Dispenser -- You press the mouse on the desk and Dilbert will types while M&Ms (or other candies) drop from the monitor. It's really fun to watch how it works.
I always have mixed feeling to Dilbert's comics - when I realized how ridiculous they are but similar things happened round me in real life. Let me share with you a few comics strips that are in this category.
Aren't our companies always talked about Work-life balance while they black-faced you when you apply for long leave?
This is how Hong Kong Government spends your tax money.
Sounds familiar even with the Crypto Coins hype?
When you have a new comer......
I should avoid one of our fellow Hong Kong Steemians from seeing this.
All comics strips from http://dilbert.com