Fun Day Sunday

Nice skies, but its been chilly.


What Makes a #BeautifulSunday

A big thank you to @ace108 for hosting #beautifulsunday

Well fall has been in the air here in Michigan lately. Its not overly cold, but when one is used to warmer temps, it feels coler than it is. Hence we haven't done much on the water. So that leaves food and shopping for some fun times!


Saw this not so little bugger on the way to my car.

Shopping Prep.

Before the Old Guy goes shopping (especially with my daughter) I know I need to get my energy up for the endless walking and standing as someone tries on loads of clothes! No better way to get fortified is with a nice Chinese Buffet!


Goldfish at the Chinese buffet, not but on the menu.

Its a yummy buffet and even has great fried chicken!


The red stuff is actually called Princess Chicken and is just the right kind of sweet. I had to get a second helping!

Now Im Ready for the Shopping!

We hit the usual suspects.

Fairly Busy


Forever 21 is the Forever Favorite

Strange Thing

AT Forever 21, there were loads of clothes on the ground at every rack. I never seen anything like it. I'm not sure how or why it was like that. The racks are quite full so I think that plays into it. But still there must have been THOUSANDS of dollars of merchandise on the floor! Maybe that is on purpose, as in some kind of advertising vibe? I have no clue, but it certainly didn't deter the shoppers from buying! There was a long line at the checkout.

See the clothes under the rack...


I Know Why its called Forever 21

Apparently if you take your daughter, you will be waiting a good TWENTY ONE MINUTERS while she tries on clothes that will feel like FOREVER!!!! LOL

See the Old Guy taking a mirror selfie out of sheer boredom lol. Notice I'm dutifully carrying daughters purse. It should also be noted the Old Guy himself doesn't drrop the big money on my "going to town" threads. I rock Fruit of the Loom tees and Faded Glory (Walmart) shorts lol.


Well they day ended the way it started: With Food!

I made a lovely beef vegetable stew, YUMMERS!!!


All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
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YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang

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