Kind of a Sad Day

Join Me for My #BeautifulSunday

Mornings Are Always Nice at the Lake

The days here in Michigan usually start off nice. Since I have been dieting, I have a HUGE increase in energy. That is a good thing, except I have been getting up around 6' ish, so I have been seeing a lot of sunrises.


Super Warm

I used to think the tree leaves began to change color because of the cooler temps. However this season has really proved that to be all wrong. The trees have been changing already, yet we are in the middle of a heatwave! I have been running the AC for days as we have been in the 90's.

Front of the house


One of the Best Things

So this pretty well sums up the day! I was doing some running around and found a penny. Yep, if I spy one, I will bend over and pick it up lol. Finding the penny was about the best of it for luck for the day!


Free Food

So we had our property owners picnic. Free food isnt all bad. Well come to think of it, it isnt really free when it comes out of the yearly dues lol.


Now the Sad

See the difference

Yep Had to Put the Boat In

The weather has been so dry, the lake is so low it was going to be a hassle to get the boat off the lift if I left it in for another month.... Sad season...Too short this year!


I hope y'all have had a nice Sunday!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang

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