"A rose by any other name..." - Shakespeare

"Story Rory" (a poem)
Would indeed be game
To talk it out with me,
And probably lightheartedly...
If I could just sit quietly
And kippers all around
Drinking tea by the sound...
Like applying a salve
To this wounded, lonely heart
With no one around to impart...
But the rose heeds my call
And together we write the story
Of a loved one, long ago, named Rory..."
Check out my weekly Poetry Dice Challenge (3000) to get inspired!
Now curating poetry with the tag #onehumanbasket...
*This block is the sole property of Robyn Eggs. Not for reproduction or re-publication. Please re-steem and share with your friends and neighbors. :-) All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017.
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~one human basket~