One photo every day: Kantelusmeloni & Kaljameloni (35/365)

My boys wanted I buy them both some melons. Miro fell in love with the Canteloupe ("Kantelusmeloni" he calls it) variety when we were in Oulu eating at the Mexican Restaurant Pancho Villa.


Leo chose the Galia melon ("Kaljameloni" by Miro).

(As a sidenote: "kantelu" means "tattling" in English, and "kalja" means "beer".)

They liked their afternoon treat very much. Kids and melons... what's with their obsession with melons all the time? ;)

[Previous post: Something very assuring about passing that magical 1111 mark.]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)

Minigolf with Miro (15/365)
A stout and paper (16/365)
The quest for the ultimate flim-flam omelette. (17/365)
Sepe (18/365)
Rooster "Mike Monroe" (19/365)
Doing yesterday's dishes and photo. (cheating) (20/365)
Eating trout at Luosto (21/365)
White flower (22/365)
Enjoying the silence over an e-cig and a can of beer. (23/365)
Poison (24/365)
Me and my boys, fresh out of the sauna. (25/365)
Gauges (26/365)
Sweet dreams (27/365)
Maariankämmekkä, Dactylorhiza maculata (28/365)
Toripoliisi (29/365)
Bumblebee (30/365)
Miro's four-leaf clover (31/365)
Couch dwellers. (32/365)
Hard Punch (33/365)
Red Grape with Blue Cheese (34/365)

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