One photo every day: The Ashtray (6/365)

More than just posting quality photos, I've been taking this project somewhat easy these beginning days.

It's been kind of difficult thinking about serious subjects lately so I've just shot some documenting bits and pieces of my life with my smartphone and uploaded them directly to Steemit.

This one is taken at the front door of our building, and depicts the ashtray a lovely old lady from a neighbouring flat got for the smokers in the building.


[Previous post: One photo every day: Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:
365 followers? Okay. (1/365)
Kiemurainen (2/365)
Game of Go in our club, Saarto (3/365)
Bulldog statue (4/365)
Linnanmäki / Borgbacken (5/365)

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