1,001 Posts - A Time to Say Thank You

My intention was to write a post titled "1,000 posts" but unfortunately, I pressed enter on the title, it submitted the post, I deleted it and now, this is 1,001. 1,000+ posts in, and I still can't use Steemit properly.


I could have continued anyway, pretended that this was my 1,000th post but that wouldn't have sat well with me so 1,001 will have to be my reflective post.


To reach 1,000 posts in a couple of months is something that I probably shouldn't be proud of. According to steemworld.org, that's 181 posts which means 819 comments/replies which makes me feel slightly better.

A lot's happened in a short time and I'll be tagging a lot of people, which probably means none of you will get a notification but that's the way things work. It's not been all sunshine and roses but this is a happy post, so we'll keep it that way.

My 1st Upvote

I still remember it - @tht upvoted a comment I made on a contest entry that I wasn't eligible to enter. I knew I wasn't eligible but tried my luck anyway and my luck wasn't in. Apart from the upvote - so I guess it was in. $0.12 if I remember correctly. Which I probably don't. It meant the world to me.

The Early "Commenters"

As your power increases, you'll find that you receive more comments and more mentions in the hope that you'll throw an upvote their way. Which I sometimes do provided it's not a bollocks comment. But when you're new, you have nothing to give in return and I always knew that if I don't ever withdraw any Steem then one day, I can thank those people with upvotes. So there are a few posters who receive upvotes from me irrespective of whether their article is Shakespearean in quality, or letters of the alphabet.

@eosxiomara has read, and commented on almost every article I've ever written. My gratitude to somebody who consistently takes the time to support me in this way is incredibly difficult to articulate so this is my best effort.

@event-horizon is another whose early comments and interactions didn't go unnoticed. Her music article, inspired by one of my own is the greatest compliment that I've received since joining and despite both of us being incredibly busy with our own communities now, we still exchange messages.

@sumanthp, now my comrade in anti-plagiarism was another who took the time to read, talk and seek my guidance in finding his own niche. To see him now receiving the rewards he's getting means a lot to me, knowing how hard it's been to get to where he is.

4 tags so far, I'll try to stop at 9 as I think there's a 10 tag limit for notifications.

"Special" Thanks

This type of journey's always easier when you get support from "Whales". I've always tried to avoid fishing for upvotes so I'm reluctant to tag now but how do you thank somebody without telling them thank you?

@steemcurator01 obviously. I feel a surprising rapport with an account that likes to limit their interaction to a 50 word maximum. It might even be less than 50 words. Silent Bob says more. But within this 50 word limit, there's a sense of humour and personality that I've grown to like. Even upvoting a shitty poem that I wrote for a competition, explicitly stating that it should not be upvoted 🙄

@steemchiller was there early, before the endingplagiarism account was created. I highlighted a post in his community and our beautiful relationship has blossomed 🤢. If I thought I didn't like plagiarism, the hammer blow dealt gave me hope that it was a fight worth fighting. I'm looking forward to the things we can achieve together.

@kiwi-crypto was fighting the fight before I came along too with a different focus on Spammers. We do a shit job that isn't always appreciated and the temptation to stop is far greater than many seem to realise. When criticism appears from people who don't understand the effort that's gone in to creating something so intent on change for the better, it's incredibly hard to take. Having a kiwi on the opposite side of the world backing you before you've even seen the criticism yourself is what community's all about. 🐑🐑🐑

2 left.

Plagiarism Buddies

A lot of what I do these days is related to plagiarism and the momentum behind what's happening now gives me confidence that it would continue (for a little while at least) if I decided I'd had enough. @jawad101 is one of those people who gives me that confidence. Honestly, I thought he was a mad man when I first started talking to him (sorry) and his determination to make Steemit better without seeking compensation for his efforts are commendable. I'm sure he's a future country representative in the making.

Last one... ah, of course.

The New Breed

@ablaze is hardly new to the platform and we stumbled across each other in possibly bizarre fashion. A sad tale in fact. But he's one author whose posts I always look for. Yes, they're probably too long (constructive feedback 😉) but well written (mostly - van Dijk, not van Dyke 😅) and always on a subject that I'm interested in. So much so, that last night, we wrote a post on the same subject, with a different perspective in different communities. Genius.

There are of course many more whom I speak to on Discord and newer relationships with users on-platform. If I haven't mentioned you, it's not because you're not important to me. Just not important enough to get mentioned 🤣 Only kidding. There are certainly people who I've not mentioned who I'll be eternally grateful to.

It's all of you who get me through the day and are often picking me up when I don't want to continue. Your wisdom and guidance is appreciated but this isn't an acceptance speech at an awards ceremony so I'll stop now. Thank you for voting for me. Here's to the next 1,001 posts.

Source - ☝ That's not me

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