ONO: Welcome To The Virtual Bar / Thoughts On Balance



@stellabelle, @yusaymon and I were chatting and stella threw out the idea of having a virtual bar in our ONO circles. A place to have more casual chat about ONO or other aspects of our life.

As a creator I have to put on many hats, and for a while @yusaymon and I will be bartenders!

I don't even need a license to pass these out! (But you should hand it off to an adult if you're under 21.)

Here is the address to where drinks will be served: https://t.me/joinchat/AwFgvg3SjfbKoIDTiJEqcQ

Telegram link to the sticker pack (more stickers otw): https://t.me/addstickers/ONOVirtualBar

Here are some drinks we are serving....



And how they should be drunk....










I have situations where some people I interact with leave a bad taste in my mouth. They are the type of people who think their ideas are more important than others. So much so that they think it is a good use of time to explain their ideas.

I normally would just change orbits or switch paths, but for some reason or another they are there to stay.

I've recently read several tweets from BillionaireMindset

This level of wisdom is too high for me. Aren't we supposed to fight all bad guys (Thanos, I'm looking at you)? Aren't we supposed to vanquish the world of moderately bad people? How do I define bad anyways?

Here is were the good guys versus bad guys mentality breaks down. What is the essence of the thing I detest? Do I do the exact same thing in my life? How can I change?

The truth is that the essence of the detestable thing is a centralized pyramid of hierarchy. I have hated it more and more as I get older.

To move forward as human beings, we need a plurality of views and personalities.

I love the idea that there can be rotating power. Where an authority figure delegates their influence to others. And gives power to a fresh set of eyes.

I like the idea of letting the community speak for themselves allowing the listener to chose ideas that are just right.

I can only think of one area where I could carry out this centralized way of thinking, and I have been fighting very hard to make sure I don't give in to that pressure. But there is most certainly more that I can do. And this pressure to further decentralize or distribute power, in the end, is reminding me to do good things.

Thanks, universe.

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