OpenBazaar using Steem within App

Lead developer on OpenBazaar and CEO of OB1 tweeted out tonight an image of Shapeshift being directly integrated into OpenBazaar.   With the amount of artists both visually, musically, crafts, or otherwise, right here on Steemit, this could help grow the value of Steem quite a bit.     

I know that some Steemit users, including myself, have listings on Peerhub that has the ability to take Steem.   With OpenBazaar having an established market of users that are spending Bitcoin, and you having the ability to take Steem using Shapeshift already, by selling your goods on a market that is taking any digital coin and having it transferred into Steem at the point of sale, you have now made the value of Steem rise in a very direct way.

OpenBazaar is a decentralized established market that is continuing to grow, there is stores participating in #BitcoinBlackFriday right now, including a fantastic one here on Steemit that is giving away comic books ;)    There is something to be said about all you using Steemit based on this great blockchain technology, understand that is what OpenBazaar is built on.  TOR integration is also coming very soon, paving the way for any of you to sell any goods you wish using any alt coin you wish including Steem, and it not being able to be shut down like a web site, as well as knowing there is no censorship of what you sell.   

Bitsquare and OpenBazaar are going to be some of the leading applications of cryptocurrencies just based on not being limiting to Bitcoin only, this will be the future of the alt coins, some kind of unity in the tools we are all using.

  Brian  🍜 Hoffman ‏ @brianchoffman  6 hours ago Playing around with Shapeshift integration in @openbazaar

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