¡Hola hola comunidad! Una vez más volvemos al concurso de #openmic con un cover de Justin Timberlake, con su tema Cry me a River. No está nunca demás agradecer a todas esas personas que nos siguen, que nos comentan y que están apoyándonos. Una vez más, agradecimientos al talentoso @manuelmusic, quien nos ha prestado su más humilde soporte en todo esto. ¡Esperamos lo disfruten!♥
Hey hey community! One more time we come back to the contest #openmic with a cover of Justin Timberlake, with his song Cry me a River. We always want to appreciate and gratify to all that people that follow us, comment us and that are steadily supporting us. One more time, we want to express our gratitude to the talented @manuelmusic, who always has offered us his most humble support in all this. We hope you enjoy!♥