Steemit Open Mic Week 64 - Hide & Seek feat. my cat Haku :) (Original Composition)

Hey guys,

This week I'd like to present to you my original composition called Hide & Seek. A little story behind this song:

For some reason my cat Haku loves to run away from my house from time to time. We don't have a garden as we live in a flat, so he is an indoor cat and doesn't get to go out much. But sometimes he likes to make an escape and when I chase and try to get him he just takes a mick and disappears. So, I have to go around the block and search for him. Usually I find him hiding under a bin or in the bush but sometimes even after looking for a long time I don't find him. But slowly but surely he comes back right outside the door as if nothing happened and he honestly has no idea how worried I get, as there's lots of cars, people etc. on the road and not safe for him.

But ya this is a song for him and his way of almost playing hide and seek with me. He is a bit camera shy so only half of his face is in the shot but he is quite adorable and chilling like a boss! :)

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